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Wall of Gratitude

Scott Bradley, David Nealis, Jacob Klein

Thank you to Scott, David, Jacob, and all the HIVE team for helping put together the videos, zoom link, and ceremony for the 2019 Outstanding Staff Awards! It was a huge help and I really appreciate all of what you do!
Becca Roark
Jessica and Brad

Thank you to my LLP family! Thank you for being the best team on campus - outside of Athletics :o) I love your dedication and ingenuity towards making our students’ college experience fulfilling and meaningful. It gives me chill bumps to see how your work has provided students with pivotal moments, through peer friendships and opportunities, that will continue to help them grow and prosper, well after they have left UK. Well done!
Chair's and DM's

Chair's and DM's,

Thank you for your collegial relationship as we navigate this difficult year. I look forward to the future and the great things we can accomplish in A&S....Pam
Pamela Thompson
Christian Brady

I look forward to meeting you someday soon. Thank you for all you are doing for the College of Arts and Sciences during this difficult time. I appreciate you!
Linda Elmore
Jennifer Bradshaw, Jen White, Pam Thompson

Jennifer, Jen and Pam - You are a great team to work for. Thank you for all you do and keeping us afloat electronically. You have proved your true leadership skills.
Beatris Alfaro, Emily Welch, Vivian Prall

Thank for your patience and flexibility in working with all our tasks and difficulties from home. You have done a great job! I'm looking forward to working with you in the office someday soon.
Linda Elmore
All Staff

Thank you to all of the staff in A&S who have struggled this year with juggling remote work all while dealing with NTI and caring for themselves and other family members. Everyone has done a remarkable job keeping up with the workload and becoming zoom experts! Let's hope that we can see each other in person once again in 2021!
Jennifer Bradshaw
Joe Wiley

Thanks to Joe for for helping me out with individuals coming into the office to pick up their DS-2019 form. I very much appreciated it.
Stacey Wilks
Professor and staff

I just want to thank my professor and the staff for their support! As a freshman at the University it was a huge challenge with the online learning and the pandemic, therefore without your support I don't think I could make it this far! I'm so grateful to have had you as a professor and staff! Our course was so easy, you were there when we needed you to explain any aspect that was unclear in a chapter. Thank you very much! It was a great experience we finally face and win the challenge🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
Princia Itoula Kifoumba

At this difficult time, all we have is us. By us I mean, our Students, Staff, Support and Faculty, our Dean (past and present), Administration, Healthcare, Frontline, Cleaning and Maintenance crews. Thank you everyone!
Rita Basuray
Dr. Geddes and Dr. Debski

Thanks to Dr. Geddes and Dr. Debski for turning BIO 302 into a fascinating, interactive, fully online course! We appreciate your adaptability and willingness to help your students succeed!
Olivia Klee
Anthropology Faculty

Thank you to all of my Anthropology colleagues - you stepped up and over the challenges of 2020 like they were ripples on the path ahead. You have worked so hard, and for so long, succeeding in teaching classes, mentoring students, doing the business of the department (and college and university), carrying on with your scholarship, and perhaps most important at this moment in time: being kind to each other. I am honored to serve as chair for this extraordinary group of faculty.
Lisa Cliggett
Faculty, staff, students & Dean Brady

On behalf of our philanthropy team, thanks to everyone who has pitched in to help us thank and steward our donors over the past 8 months. Our work looks different than it did before, but with your help we are staying connected to donors and reminding them the value of investing in Arts & Sciences. Thank you!
Laura Sutton
Brad Elliott and Chloe Wawrzyniak

Thank you to our newest mathematics lecturers! Brad, thank you for organizing our Teaching and Learning seminar this fall. Chloe, you have done an amazing job with all your help in MA 109. I am so glad you both joined us at UK!
College Leadership

Leadership just-past and present. Since March you have been faced with an enormous challenge to lead. Logistics. Camaraderie. Innovation. You were there for us, all of you: Deans, Associate Deans, Finance, Scheduling, Facilities, Technology. Think about all the tees you had to cross and eyes you had to dot - to help the College and UK move forward! Crazy. Factum magna. Many thanks.
Bill Rayens
Professor Serhiyenko and Andrés Vindas Meléndez

A huge thank you to Professor Serhiyenko and Andrés Vindas Meléndez for organizing the Combinatorics Seminar this fall semester. We look forward to an equally exciting seminar in the spring.
Professor Ehrenborg
Kathryn Engle

Thanks, Kathryn, for your outstanding work in the Appalachian Center and Appalachian Studies program in extraordinarily difficult times. We are profoundly fortunate to have your leadership, and I am grateful to be your colleague.
Kathy Newfont
Dr. Karla Lightfield

Thank you Dr. Lightfield for your understanding and flexibility this semester! Although circumstances were not ideal, you made yourself readily available to students for help and always listened to concerns.
Dr. Marilyn Duncan

Dr. Duncan,
Thank you for being such a great research mentor even throughout a strange semester. I was so glad that you took time out every week to meet with me and discuss research even if I couldn't be in the physical lab this semester. Thanks for your support!
Kinga Graniczkowska

Thank you for being so supportive and kind throughout this semester. With the shifting lab schedules and other difficulties of this semester, you have kept spirits high in class! From the small stories, to the laid back conversations sprinkled amongst instruction, you made us all look forward to lab.
Sahana Holla
Camille Harmon

Thank you for having all the answers! And in the rare moments when you don't have the answer right in front of you, for having it faster than thunder catches lightning.
Lisa Cliggett
All A&S Directors of Undergraduate Studies

Thanks so much to all our terrific Directors of Undergraduate Studies, who have had to do double-duty during these last 10 months. This has been a challenging semester for everyone, and you have been called on to support students, provide extra academic advice, answer emails from concerned parents, and juggle undergraduate schedules in every modality. I am grateful every day to work such a dedicated group of faculty.
Anna Bosch
Brynn Hawkins, Andrew Feltrop

I am very thankful to Brynn and Andrew for their help over the summer and this fall to get offices and spaces set up, deliver chairs, file cabinets, bookcases, shove desks around, or whatever else it took to get the job done. They did this sometimes in dirty warehouses or spaces and with little prior notice, and always with a smile and a can-do attitude. Truly hard workers and team players!
Kelly Muschong
Pete Idstein

Pete - thank you for your dedication to the students, staff and faculty of EES. You've kept the building running this semester, and we couldn't do what we do without you!
Department Managers

I am thankful for the communication with the Department Managers since we scattered in so many directions in March. Your partnership and communication have been so helpful to keep the daily facility operations and processes running smoothly.
Kelly Muschong
Space and Facilities Team

I am thankful for the Space and Facilities team. I looked a long time to find "my people" and I'm grateful that I finally found them. They make every project and task something to look forward to daily.
Kelly Muschong
Prof. Richard Ehrenborg

I would like to thank Professor Ehrenborg and all of my other colleagues in the Mathematics Department for once again running a professional, uplifting and engaging semester.
Prof. Margaret Readdy
Katia Davis

BIG thanks to Katia Davis and all of the phenomenal work she does to keep the Linguistics Department moving along! I appreciate everything about her - her ability to take on whatever task is put before her, her structured approach to problem solving, her cheery demeanor - she is truly the best!
Jennifer Cramer
Faculty and students in Linguistics

I want to thank the faculty in the Linguistics Department and all of the students who take linguistics classes. They have worked tirelessly to make this semester happen. The faculty have truly done fantastic work in these circumstances, as have the students in their classes. Well done!
Jennifer Cramer
Amanda Salmon, Mills Handy, Adam Quinn, Katie Kohls

Thank you Mills, Amanda, Adam, and Katie for the work that you’ve done transitioning your WRD 110/111 courses online, leading your new teacher mentor group each week, and helping our new teachers during this most challenging year. It's an honor to work with each of you.
Jim Ridolfo
brittany sulzener

Brittany, thank you so much for the work that you’ve done helping to lead the WRD new teacher mentor program during this most difficult year. You’ve been an absolute inspiration to our new teachers and an overall force for good.
Jim Ridolfo
Graduate Student TA's

Thank you to all of the Graduate Student TA's in Arts and Sciences who have worked tirelessly since the start of the pandemic to support undergraduate students and faculty during these unprecedented times. We appreciate you and hope that you are able to enjoy some much-deserved rest over the semester break!
Sarah Lyon
Kari Burchfield

Kari, thank you for being a kind, considerate, patient colleague and office mate! I'm grateful for your hard work and your intelligence, creativity, and eye for detail. You make my job easier and my workday happier.
Your dedication and excellence benefit every department in the College of Arts and Sciences!
Thank you for all you do!
Andy Johnson
Dean Brady

Dean Brady,
Thank you for always stopping in and saying hi each time you are in POT. It's a great way to brighten my day and is a good reminder that we are all on the same team in A&S!
Becca Roark
Noah Adler, Ricardo Munoz, Nijad Zakharia

Thank you to the Hive Web Team! The work you do, the websites you build (like this beautiful wall), and the custom Applications you create to help our College promote the great work being done is 2nd to none. We're all very lucky to call you colleagues and friends!
Scott Bradley
Jordan Butler, Jacob Mangas, Hunter McCormick

Thank you to the Hive Help Desk Students! We all appreciate the work you do to help our faculty and staff with all of their technical support needs. Thank you for manning the online office hours Zoom room day and night, giving College users a friendly face to work through their technical issues during these difficult times. You and the work you do is very much appreciated!
Scott Bradley
Brian Doyle, Alaa El Mediouri, Jon Milby, Sarah Paddock, David Nealis

The Hive Technical Support team is the best there is on this campus or anywhere else. The work that this team has done, specifically during this pandemic, to make sure all of our faculty and staff can continue to do their work wherever they may be should certainly be commended. Thank you so much for the work you do, the College is very fortunate to have such professionals to work alongside!
Scott Bradley
Laura Sutton, Debra Gold, Teresa Gotthardt, and Morgan Stenger

Laura Sutton, Debra Gold, Teresa Gotthardt, and Morgan Stenger, you all have been wonderful partners for the Hive video team on the A&S Hall of Fame video series. Your hard work has not gone unnoticed and we are so grateful to have such a stellar philanthropy team in A&S! Thanks for all you have done to make these videos possible and we can't wait to share them with you!
Jake Klein
Dean Mark Kornbluh

Thank you for your years of service to the College! You supported faculty and students in so many ways, and you made working in A&S a true joy. Thanks for being a wonderful Dean!
Jenny Rice
Jake Klein & Evan Martin

The College's video production and photography team is the best there is and, even during a pandemic, you both have found creative ways to keep telling our stories. You've also been willing to travel for the Hall of Fame video shoots and have gone above and beyond to make sure you and the interviewees are safe. Thank you for all of your hard work! I feel so fortunate to have your talents on the Hive Creative Team and in A&S!
Jennifer Allen
A&S Chairs

Thank you for your amazing work to lead our college in these challenging times!
Christian Brady

Thank you to the creative team behind the professional production of the College of A&S! You do amazing work!
Christian Brady
Kelvin O'Dell

Thank you Kelvin for quickly getting the information that I needed yesterday! I appreciate this so much and everything you do daily for the College!
Jennifer Bradshaw
Karen Slaymaker

Thank you for the amazing experience in the UK 101 class. You have always been there to answer any questions that we might have. And also you have been so understanding, thank you!
Sanjana Dhayalan
Charlie Yi Zhang

Dear Dr. Zhang,
Thank you for bringing me to the Gender and Women`s Studies major, I learned a lot from you and this major. Thank you for answering all my questions, although I know sometimes I am not a good student, but you are always patient with me. I am really grateful to have you as my prof.
Jiali Ma
Megan Koshurba

Thank you, Megan.
I am glad I can have you as my adviser, and my big friend. And thank you for answering all my questions, giving me a lot useful suggests. I feel really luck that you introduced me into A&S college. Hope you will do well in the rest of semester!
Jiali Ma
Dr. Udvardy

Thank you Dr. Udvardy for such a fun ANT 160 class. I have learnt so much and really enjoyed the lectures (even though it was online). Can't wait to apply what you taught us to the real world!
Princess Magor Agbozo
Kathryn King

Thank you Kathryn for your guidance and encouragement throughout the semester! Even from thousands of miles away, you always found a way to make us international students feel part of the UK and UK CA&S community! :)
Princess Magor Agbozo
Ruth Brown

Thank you for everything you do each semester, for your infinite patience and good attitude towards each of our questions or problems. We really appreciate all you do and your hard work.
Irene Chico-Wyatt

Thank you for everything you do each semester. Advice, reminders, planning classes, organizing schedules, activities, as well as giving us tools and workshops to be better instructors. Thank you for always having your door open for any question or problem and for supporting us in everything.
Ren Guerriero

I am grateful and thankful for being the PERFECT LAB MATE, FRIEND, and a WONDERFUL MENTOR to me. Be as amazing as you are now and always. Thank you!!
Ana Rueda

Muchas gracias por todo su apoyo, paciencia, consejos, correcciones y dedicación cada semestre. Gracias por hacer de sus clases un espacio seguro para entablar discusiones respetuosas e inclusivas. La apreciamos muchísimo y nos gustaría que siguiera por muchos años más dando clases y dirigiendo disertaciones en el departamento.
Kathryn King

Thank you, Kathryn, for bearing with me and ALL my questions!! You saved me many times and I am extremely grateful.
Ana Sampaio
Dr. Emily Bacchus

Thank you, Dr. B, for all the support, patience and constant excitement! I cannot express enough how good and heartwarming it was to be your student as an international freshman. Really.
Ana Sampaio
Raegan Wilson

Thanks to Raegan for being a partner in crime when it comes to meeting up and working side by side (while socially distanced, of course) in various coffee shops, of varying internet capabilities, throughout this remote work period. Thank you for carrying on our "office neighborhood" and for the sense of normalcy those outings have provided!
Kathryn King
Megan Koshurba

Thank you to Megan for her availability and knowledge of A&S policies, procedures and history. Perhaps more importantly, thank you for teaching me how to properly incorporate GIFs into every message, giving me a much-appreciated outlet for my creative "genius" during this time. ;)
Kathryn King
A&S Creative and Technical Team (The Hive)

Thanks to all the members of the A&S Creative and Technical Team for the great work you do. The quality of your work is phenomenal and it is obvious you take great pride in it. We also really appreciate the close working relationship our team enjoys with you on all our renovation and improvement projects.
Kelvin O'Dell
Michael Conroy

Thanks for helping get equipment out to everyone and being willing to stay late to make sure people can get the equipment when they need it.
A&S Business Center Team

Thanks to all the members of the A&S Business Center. My Team and I work closely with them daily and they are always willing and eager to help with anything we need from placing furniture orders for our customers to establishing needed funding paperwork for renovations. We appreciate the work you do!
Kelvin O'Dell
Horace Bartilow

Professor Bartilow cares so much about his students and our learning experience. He is so invested and knowledgable that it makes learning in his class so easy to do and so interesting. He creates the best discussions, even over zoom, and makes the class so enjoyable.
Bailey Beal
Dr. Abboud

Dr. Abboud has made the transition in WRD 210 to online learning seamless. It's extremely evident he cares for his students. His overall positivity, patience, and encouragement should not go unnoticed!
Addison Cave
Scheduling Team

Thanks to Raegan Wilson, Andy Johnson, and Kari Burchfield for the insane amount of work they did to prepare for the modality updates for the spring semester.
Jesse Hedge
Veronica Pendleton

Through all of the changes and projects we've faced this year, Veronica has never lost her smile, never missed a deadline and has dedicated time to mentor young designers on campus. Thank you Veronica! I appreciate all the work you have done and continue to do!
Jennifer Allen