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Internationalization at A&S / Anti-Racism and Anti-Xenophobic Strategies and Resources in times of Covid-19

Anti-Racism and Anti-Xenophobic Strategies and Resources in times of Covid-19

The College of Arts and Sciences is committed to fostering and supporting a respectful, inclusive, and accessible community of faculty, students, and staff. Thus, the College opposes all racist and xenophobic biases and acts, and is deeply concerned with the recent wave of anti-Asian bias during the current covid-19 pandemic. These biases and acts do not reflect our values and commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion and to building an informed and supportive community as a College and University. Given the rise of anti-Asian incidents, we have compiled a preliminary list of resources to provide information on, fight against, and report racist incidents during the current covid-19 crisis:

Reporting Incidents

To report discrimination, harassment or sexual misconduct, visit

(For counseling, please refer individuals to the Counseling Center. Please note that sessions will be conducted via Zoom or phone if the individual is in Kentucky. Those outside of Kentucky can call to receive assistance in identifying existing resources in their areas of residence).

In Lexington:

In Kentucky:


  • The Asian Pacific Policy and Planning Council (A3PCON) and Chinese for Affirmative Action (CAA) have launched a reporting center to allow community members to report incidents of hate they have experienced. (Please note that reports on this website do not go to law enforcement) You can find the reporting website here.
  • Asian-Americans Advancing Justice Anti-Asian Incident Report
  • OCA Asian Pacific American Advocates Hate Incident Report
  • Wash the Hate.Com

Resources for Responding to Racism, especially those related to Covid-19

Additional Resources: Readings


Anti-Racist Resources in Spanish

Recursos antirracistas en español


Anti-Racist Teaching Resources

Talking About Race,” from the National Museum of African American History and Culture and the Smithsonian Institute

Center for the Enhancenment of Teaching and Learning: Equity and Inclusion Resources

Humanities Common Site on Anti-Racist Resources for Teaching


A&S Talks, Podcasts, and Videos

UK CESJ Series on Race and Policing in the US: What Research Shows

Racism and Other Forms of Violence in Times of Covid-19 Faculty Panel

Carefree Black Girls: Creating Online Community as a Means of Survival