Prereq: engineering standing, MA 214 and ME 220; prereq or concurrent with CE 341 or ME 330.
Fundamental principles of steady state and transient heat and mass transfer in biosystems engineering. Heat transfer will include conduction, convection, and radiation. Mass transfer will include liquid-gas, solid-gas, and solid-liquid equilibrium scenarios, as well as convective, diffusive, and osmotic mass transfer. Governing equations and boundary conditions for both heat and mass transfer will be included with special attention to industrial, biological, and bioenvironmental problems.
Fundamental principles of steady state and transient heat and mass transfer in biosystems engineering. Heat transfer will include conduction, convection, and radiation. Mass transfer will include liquid-gas, solid-gas, and solid-liquid equilibrium scenarios, as well as convective, diffusive, and osmotic mass transfer. Governing equations and boundary conditions for both heat and mass transfer will be included with special attention to industrial, biological, and bioenvironmental problems.