Prereq: Approval by the International Studies Director.
An individual community-based or field-based experience and/or internship with a corporation or government institution with a global/international focus under the supervision of a faculty member. This course is designed for undergraduates to gain first-hand experience of preprofessional positions such as internships, cooperative education, or business related experience in an area of international expertise. INT 399 may count toward either the Thematic Concentration or World Area of IS major, but not both. May count for IS minor. To take the course, the student must have approval of the program director, negotiate a learning contract with an academic supervisor, and provide the program with a report on the internship. Pass-fail only. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 credits.
An individual community-based or field-based experience and/or internship with a corporation or government institution with a global/international focus under the supervision of a faculty member. This course is designed for undergraduates to gain first-hand experience of preprofessional positions such as internships, cooperative education, or business related experience in an area of international expertise. INT 399 may count toward either the Thematic Concentration or World Area of IS major, but not both. May count for IS minor. To take the course, the student must have approval of the program director, negotiate a learning contract with an academic supervisor, and provide the program with a report on the internship. Pass-fail only. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 credits.