Prereq: Admission to the College of Pharmacy.
This course in interprofessional education and practice is designed as a companion to the Shoulder-to-Shoulder Global Ecuador health brigade or other similar immersion experiences to provide students with an opportunity to work effectively as an interprofessional team in an international or other community setting to promote positive, holistic health outcomes for individuals and communities. For most short-term, international medical experiences, provision of pharmaceutical agents is a central role. While these functions closely mirror pharmacy functions in other settings, the additional challenge of a short-term, international, resource-limited environment calls for additional considerations. This course will help prepare students for future participation in such encounters.
This course in interprofessional education and practice is designed as a companion to the Shoulder-to-Shoulder Global Ecuador health brigade or other similar immersion experiences to provide students with an opportunity to work effectively as an interprofessional team in an international or other community setting to promote positive, holistic health outcomes for individuals and communities. For most short-term, international medical experiences, provision of pharmaceutical agents is a central role. While these functions closely mirror pharmacy functions in other settings, the additional challenge of a short-term, international, resource-limited environment calls for additional considerations. This course will help prepare students for future participation in such encounters.