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Speakers and Events

Inclusive Pedagogies Workshops

Teaching and Learning in a Shifting Demographic Landscape Workshop

September 26, 4:00 p.m. Niles Gallery

Higher education institutions are transforming and innovating to meet the needs of a changing student demographic. As the student population changes to reflect the demographics of the US population, teaching and learning approaches are also transforming to foster the sense of belonging and success of the 21st century student. Participants in this workshop will learn about the historical demographic shifts in higher education and engage in discussions about how instructors can cultivate success for a diverse group of learners.

Foundations of Inclusion for the 21st Century Classroom

October 17, 4:00 p.m. 502 King Lilbrary

In the past decade, there has been an increased emphasis on inclusive teaching as a central pedagogical practice. Instructors are encouraged to enhance their understanding and awareness of the social and cultural climate in their classes to best meet the learning needs of a diverse student population. This interactive workshop will engage participants in the foundational concepts of what it means to implement an inclusive pedagogy in the classroom. We will explore the theoretical underpinnings of inclusive pedagogies and discover practical applications.

Building An Inclusive and Student-Centered Syllabus

November 28, 4:00  p.m. 502 King Library

Creating a climate of belonging begins on the first day of class and starts with the implicit and explicit messages you send through your syllabus. This workshop will explore how the syllabus is a rhetorical tool for inclusion, focusing specifically on small, but significant, changes instructors can make to create a more inclusive syllabus. Participants will reflect on changes they can make to their own syllabi (or an example syllabi) to set an inclusive tone on the first day.

Spring 2019 Workshops

  • January 23: 4:00-5:15 --- Foundations of Inclusion for the 21st Century Classroom
  • February 20: 4:00-5:15 --- Creating Learning Communities and Fostering Belonging
  • March 20: 4:00-5:15 --- Facilitating, Managing, and Responding to Difficult Dialogues


Past Events

Plenary Speaker: Tom Nelson Laird

Director of the Center for Post Secondary Research, Indiana University

Thursday, September 13th at 4:00 p.m. (White Hall 122)

Increasing the Inclusivity of All Courses: A Model, Some Evidence, and a Few Options

Given current issues on our campuses and communities, as well as what is known about the educational benefits of diversity, the need for each and every course to become more inclusive is palpable. Nelson Laird presents a model he developed to make courses and programs more inclusive. For context and comparison, results from the Faculty Survey of Student Engagement will be used to illustrate how the model can be operationalized for assessment and to help participants understand how faculty members from four-year institutions across the country incorporated diversity into the different elements of their courses (e.g., purpose/goals, content, pedagogy, and assessment/evaluation). Participants will have opportunities to examine their current practices, plan to introduce more inclusive practices in the future, and discuss the opportunities and challenges in this work.

Thomas F. Nelson Laird is an associate professor in the Higher Education and Student Affairs Program and Director of the Center for Postsecondary Research at Indiana University Bloomington. Tom received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in mathematics from Gustavus Adolphus College (1995) and Michigan State University (1997) before switching his academic focus to higher education and receiving a Ph.D. in that field from the University of Michigan (2003). His work concentrates on improving teaching and learning at colleges and universities, with a special emphasis on the design, delivery, and effects of curricular experiences with diversity. He directs the activities of the Faculty Survey of Student Engagement, a companion project to the National Survey of Student Engagement, and the VALUE Institute, a collaboration with the Association of American Colleges and Universities. Author of many articles, chapters, and reports, Tom’s work has appeared in key scholarly and practitioner publications. He also consults with institutions of higher education and related organizations on topics ranging from effective assessment practices to the inclusion of diversity into the curriculum.



Graduate Student Lunch Roundtable with Nelson Laird: Power, Inclusion & Everyday Classroom Practices

September 14:  11:00-1:00, Multipurpose Room, King Center, Gatton Student Center

Graduate student members of the Inclusive Pedagogies learning community are invited to join Dr. Nelson Laird for a lunch roundtable discussion about how our classroom practices and course design can foster or inhibit inclusion. Lunch will be provided.