Prereq: ST 500 or permission of instructors.
An advanced multidisciplinary seminar in social theory for graduate students taught by a team of faculty members. Topics change from year to year; examples include: individual and society, the social construction of gender, modernity and postmodernity, space and time in social life, objectivity and its other, etc. Focus is on the cross-disciplinary investigation of such issues in the social sciences and humanities. May be repeated to a maximum of nine credits under different subtitles.
An advanced multidisciplinary seminar in social theory for graduate students taught by a team of faculty members. Topics change from year to year; examples include: individual and society, the social construction of gender, modernity and postmodernity, space and time in social life, objectivity and its other, etc. Focus is on the cross-disciplinary investigation of such issues in the social sciences and humanities. May be repeated to a maximum of nine credits under different subtitles.