Prereq: Formal acceptance into the Master of Science degree program in Athletic Training and AT 642.
This four credit course (2 hours of lecture, 4 hours of lab per week) is designed for students pursuing a certification in athletic training or similar health care profession. A combination of lecture and laboratory experiences will be provided in order for the student to learn and demonstrate appropriate assessment and care for patient of all ages, specific to the entire upper extremity. Regional study of musculoskeletal and neurological evaluation, assessment, management and rehabilitation of the upper extremity will be covered. Laboratory experiences will focus on performance of evaluation of regional areas and application of rehabilitation techniques for a variety of upper extremity health conditions.
This four credit course (2 hours of lecture, 4 hours of lab per week) is designed for students pursuing a certification in athletic training or similar health care profession. A combination of lecture and laboratory experiences will be provided in order for the student to learn and demonstrate appropriate assessment and care for patient of all ages, specific to the entire upper extremity. Regional study of musculoskeletal and neurological evaluation, assessment, management and rehabilitation of the upper extremity will be covered. Laboratory experiences will focus on performance of evaluation of regional areas and application of rehabilitation techniques for a variety of upper extremity health conditions.