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Research / Funding Opportunities / Internal Funding

Internal Funding

VPR Programs

The Office of the Vice President for Research funds a wide array of internal support programs, from competitive postdoctoral fellowships to support for conferences to larger research grants. A few of the most popular programs include the following:

Igniting Research Collaborations (IRC)

The IRC Pilot must be a NEW collaboration of faculty from at least 2 different colleges. The maximum budget amount is $50,000. Typical awards are in the $25,000 - $30,000 range. Proposals are typically due in the spring.


“UKinSPIRE is intended to stimulate high-impact research projects in any discipline linking UK faculty and international collaborators, and to establish collaborations with new international partner institutions or add greater depth to existing institutional partnerships.”


“…provide recurring funds to support grant programs for research, scholarship, and creative works in areas of excellence that are not traditionally amenable to external funding.” This program does not fund faculty salaries, travel that is unrelated to the research project, routine office equipment or laptop computers. Grants have ranged from ~ $2,000 to ~ $10,000 over roughly 10 months.

To apply for funding:

Research Priority Areas

The RPAs often offer seed grants and equipment grants to support research in their areas. Becoming a member and getting on the mailing list for relevant RPAs is the first step.


Provost Programs

The Office of the Provost offers a few research grant programs, including the Impact awards. Provost programs are announced by email, usually in the spring.

The International Center offers several professional development programs and awards programs in addition to grants and contracts, including the UKInSPIRE program, a joint effort with the Office of the Vice President for Research.


College Programs

Foreign Travel Support

  • Awarded 6 times per year (every 2 months)
  • One award per person per year.
  • Up to $1200 for foreign travel
  • Deadlines: July 1, September 1, November 1, January 1, March 1, May 1

Publication Costs

  • Fund indexing, translations, subvention, APC
  • Competitive, awards up to $2,000, awarded 2x per year
  • One award per person per year.
  • Deadlines: January 1, 2025, May 1

Mini Grants (Equipment Repairs and purchases, other research costs).
Not for computer purchases other than computers that are integral to a piece of equipment.

  • Competitive, awards up to $2k, awarded 2x per year
  • One award per person per year
  • Deadlines: January 1, May 1

Sabbatical Funding

  • “In support of sabbatical activities” (up to $3000, $5000 for first sabbatical after tenure or promotion to full professor. Sabbatical Funding is to assist with some of the costs associated with the sabbatical project.
  • Awarded once per year, soon after approved sabbaticals are announced.
  • Deadline: January 1 for sabbaticals in next FY

To apply for funding:

New Project Seed Funds

  • Competitive, fund up to $10k (maybe higher if two PI’s have significant roles and each incurs significant costs). Awarded once per year.
  • For new projects, no prior funding. Not intended to provide continuing or additional funding for on-going projects. Complete list of publications/presentations/grants over the last 10 years is required.
  • Deadline: January 1

To apply for funding: