Quasar Spectral Energy Distributions and the Effects of Intervening Clouds
The nature of the Broad Line Region (BLR) of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) is an area of
vigorous debate. The geometry of the BLR clouds is also uncertain. I will first present
the current model of AGNs and BLR. Then I will review recent work on the X-ray time
variability of Mrk 766, a Seyfert 1 galaxy. I will then introduce a new geometry for
the BLR clouds. This new geometry, which we call the intervening BLR clouds model,
has BLR clouds along our line of sight. These intervening clouds generate a depression
at ~900Å to ~1200Å. Observations of Mrk 766 and other AGNs suggest that intervening
clouds may exist in most AGNs. The real SED of the AGNs in that wavelength range may
be higher than we now suppose due to the depression made by intervening clouds.
Astro Seminar: Ye Wang
179 Chem-Phys Bldg