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Stars With Accents 2011 - Part 2 of 2

Readings by Jane Gentry Vance, Honoree Fanonne Jeffers, and Jan Isenhour, introduced by Katerina Stoykova-Klemer

Part 1: In this recording from the 2011 Kentucky Women Writers Conference, listen to former UK English Professor Jane Gentry Vance as she reads several of her poems from her book The Portrait of the Artist as a White Pig as well as several of her most recent pieces about the experience of getting older. HonorĂ©e Fanonne Jeffers reads several pieces of her poetry which examines culture, religion, race, and family.

Part 2: Katerina Stoykova-Klemer and Leatha Kendrick introduce Jan Isenhour, as this was also the occasion of Jan Isenhour's retirement as director of the Carnegie Center. She reads an excerpt from one of her newest projects, told from the perspective of a young woman.

This podcast was produced by Casey Hibbard.