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Aaron Mueller Awarded NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

We are proud to announce that Aaron Mueller has been chosen to receive a National Science Foundation Grant via the Graduate Research Fellowship Program. Aaron is one of only seven awardees in Linguistics nationwide. 

The Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) is a critical program

in the NSF's overall strategy to develop a globally engaged workforce necessary to ensure the nation's leadership in advancing science and engineering

research and innovation.

Former NSF fellows make transformative breakthroughs in STEM, are leaders in their chosen careers, and have been honored as Nobel laureates. A hallmark of GRFP is its contribution to increasing the diversity of the STEM workforce, including geographic districts. The support is for graduate study that leads to a research-based master's or doctoral degree in a STEM field.

Aaron is a senior from Louisville majoring in Linguistics and Computer Science. He is a Gaines Fellow, a Patterson Scholar, and a member of the Honors Program. In addition to being part of the Student Outreach team, he has been involved in UK's Linguistics Club and Amnesty International. His current research focuses on the construction of machine translation systems for low-resource and endangered language varieties using a mix of linguistic rules and machine learning. After graduation, he hopes to obtain his doctorate in natural language processing so that he can continue improving machine translation software and help preserve endangered language varieties. In his free time, Aaron enjoys making music, cooking, exploring cities, and pretending he can speak Canadian French.

We are very proud of Aaron's accomplishment, and we at UK Linguistics Department wish him the best of luck in all of his future endeavors. 
