Prereq: RSD 822, 823, 824, 825 and 826.
This is a preclinical course with emphasis on dental hard tissue surgery and restorative procedures for anterior and posterior fixed prosthodontics. Contemporary principles of fixed prosthodontics, including the long term maintenance of dental health, are presented in lectures and applied in practice using manikins. Knowledge gained in previous restorative dentistry courses are applied to more extensive restorations. Lecture, 24 hours; laboratory, 84 hours.
This is a preclinical course with emphasis on dental hard tissue surgery and restorative procedures for anterior and posterior fixed prosthodontics. Contemporary principles of fixed prosthodontics, including the long term maintenance of dental health, are presented in lectures and applied in practice using manikins. Knowledge gained in previous restorative dentistry courses are applied to more extensive restorations. Lecture, 24 hours; laboratory, 84 hours.