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Teaching Caribbean Cultures: Approaching Francophone and Caribbean Cultures with Jacqueline Couti

Jacqueline Couti is a professor in the Modern & Classical Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Professor Couti specializes in Francophone Caribbean, African, and New World literatures and cultures with an emphasis on how ethnic and cultural identity have been formed. In this podcast, Professor Couti explains what her typical class is like, what kind of students populate them, and what kind of reactions she receives from her students.

This podcast was produced by Sam Burchett.

Sniffing Out A Theory of Mind: Clare Batty and the Philosophy of Sensory Perception

Clare Batty is a professor in the Department of Philosophy. Professor Batty's research focuses on olfactory perception, an area under the broader category of the philosophy of mind. In this podcast, Professor Batty explains her research and why philosophy is an important discipline. 

This podcast was produced by Sam Burchett

Applied Statistics Lab Will Foster Collaborative Research, Provide Statistical Support


I’d like to point your attention to the newest installment of the Dean’s Channel where I spoke with statistics professors Arne Bathke and Arny Stromberg. In 2011, UK opened its first Applied Statistics Lab (ASL), with the help of the Office of the Vice President for Research, several UK college deans, and infrastructure grants such as the university's recent Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA), UK statisticians in the College of Arts & Sciences' Department of Statistics, and the College of Public Health's Department of Biostatistics.

The main objectives of this venture are to provide improved statistical services to groups preparing grant proposals, direct faculty involvement from the Departments of Statistics and Biostatistics for study design and data analysis throughout UK, foster collaborative research between scholars who develop quantitative methodology and those who use such methodology in their work, and to become a resource which may be referenced in institutional support for larger grants, in addition to direct statistical support typically included in such grants.

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