Our tenth Language Talk: KWLA podcast, World Languages at the University Level, features hosts Laura Roché Youngworth and Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby discussing Kentucky’s university language expectations and proficiency-based approaches with Laura McGee, of Western Kentucky University, and Brenna Byrd and Julie Human, of the University of Kentucky.
Our ninth Language Talk: KWLA podcast, Program Review Revisited, features hosts Laura Roché Youngworth discussing updates and particulars of the new Global Competency & World Languages Program Review (PR) with Jamee Barton, Kelly Clark, and Alfosno De Nunez Torres of the Kentucky Department of Education. Topics include: changes to the PR, triangulation and evidence, global competency, and discussion of specific Demonstrators/Characteristics.
Our eighth Language Talk: KWLA podcast, Second Language Research, features hosts Laura Roché Youngworth and Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby discussing with Stayc Dubravac (MCLLC at UK) and Alan Brown (SPA at UK) their research on partial immersion programs. They share the effect of students' awareness of language structure and how this research can help in designing language programs.
Our seventh Language Talk: KWLA podcast, Proficiency-Based Teaching, features host Laura Roché Youngworth discussing with Thomas Sauer the characteristics of proficiency-based instruction. Discussion includes defining characteristics of proficiency-based instruction, assessments, and activities, steps for change towards proficiency-based instruction, and proficiency-based resources.
Our sixth Language Talk: KWLA podcast, Student Growth Goal Rubric, features host Laura Roché Youngworth discussing with Jillian Lykens, Ben McMaine, and Alicia Vinson the structure and application of the Fayette County World Language Student Growth Goal Rubrics.
Our fourth Language Talk: KWLA podcast, National Updates, features co-hosts Laura Roché Youngworth and Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby discussing with Jacque VanHouten, 2015 President of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, national issues and initiatives relevant to world language educators. Topics include current policy such as bi-lingual certification, curricular and instructional shifts, and advocacy opportunities for educators of languages.
The University of Kentucky Department of Modern and Classical Languages, Literatures and Cultures (MCLLC) in the College of Arts and Sciences is changing how we think of language studies.
The Department of Modern and Classical Languages, Literatures & Cultures is changing how we think of language studies. Since the recent merger of separate language units into a single entity, the 44-member department has set its sights on becoming a more cohesive intellectual community with a unified teaching and research mission.
Our third Language Talk: KWLA podcast, Unwrapping the World Language Program Review, features host Laura Roché Youngworth discussing with Alicia Vinson, Lucas Gravitt, and Lydia Kohler details of the KY Program Review. As they “unwrap” the terminology of the PR, they share their understandings of Regular and Routine, Global Competency, Job-embedded, performance goals, etc. and share examples of how these are being implemented across the state.