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PHI 120: Introductory Logic with Bob Sandmeyer

A course which treats argumentation, formal deductive and non-formal inductive logic. The course has a dual focus. First, students will learn how to construct and evaluate formal deductive arguments. Second, students will learn how to analyze and evaluate inductive arguments. The aim of the course is to inculcate standards of good reasoning, e.g., clarity, consistency and validity. Credit is not given to students who already have credit for PHI 320.

Philosophy Speaker Series: Karen Bennett

WHAT: "By Our Bootstraps"

WHO: Karen Bennett, Cornell University

WHERE: Student Center Room 228

WHEN: Friday, March 2nd - 4:00p.m. 

Abstract:  Recently much has been made of the grounding relation, and of the idea that it is intimately tied to fundamentality. If A grounds B, then A is more fundamental than B (though not vice versa), and A is ungrounded if and only if it is fundamental full stop--absolutely fundamental. But here is a puzzle: is grounding itself absolutely fundamental? There are seemingly compelling reasons both to think that it must be, and to think that it cannot be. We face a dilemma, and a bad one. I distinguish two different regresses that appear to arise from the claim that grounding is itself grounded, and argue that both are merely apparent.

Student Center Room 228

Sniffing Out A Theory of Mind: Clare Batty and the Philosophy of Sensory Perception

Clare Batty is a professor in the Department of Philosophy. Professor Batty's research focuses on olfactory perception, an area under the broader category of the philosophy of mind. In this podcast, Professor Batty explains her research and why philosophy is an important discipline. 

This podcast was produced by Sam Burchett

Boost Your IT IQ: Cool Classes for the Winter Intercession

Winter break and the holidays are fast approaching. Students – have you made plans for winter intersession yet? If not, A&S is offering classes during the break for those students interested in gaining extra credit hours and speeding up time to graduation. It’s a great time to pick up an extra class in your major or explore a topic you find intriguing. For example, we are offering a new online course for those students interested in an overview of technologies we use every day. The class, A&S 100 – 230: IT IQ will allow you to sharpen your IT IQ and learn about video conferencing, software installation, internet research tools, and Blackboard basics – just to name a few – and earn extra credit hours in the process. This class will familiarize you with technologies, research tools, and search engines that are important to your success at UK and beyond. Become a better digital citizen and learn about social networking and e-etiquette as you communicate through Facebook, Twitter, email, and blogs. To learn more about the class, click here.

Will Sanders

For philosophy alum Will Sanders, attending the University of Kentucky was always part of the plan. The Frankfort native’s parents both attended the university and it was natural for him to follow in their steps. Choosing a major was the challenge.

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