Prereq: Engineering Standing, BME 488, PGY 412G, or consent of the instructor.
Tissue engineering can be defined as the application of principles of engineering, biology, materials science, and medicine to restore, maintain, or improve tissue function. This field evolved from the field of biomaterials development, and the term "tissue engineering" has become largely interchangeable with "regenerative medicine," which also incorporates the research on self-healing. In this course, fundamental engineering and biological principles underlying the field of tissue engineering will be studied, along with specific examples and strategies to engineer specific tissues for clinical use (e.g., heart, liver, and cartilage).
Tissue engineering can be defined as the application of principles of engineering, biology, materials science, and medicine to restore, maintain, or improve tissue function. This field evolved from the field of biomaterials development, and the term "tissue engineering" has become largely interchangeable with "regenerative medicine," which also incorporates the research on self-healing. In this course, fundamental engineering and biological principles underlying the field of tissue engineering will be studied, along with specific examples and strategies to engineer specific tissues for clinical use (e.g., heart, liver, and cartilage).