Seth Jones is a Senior Lecturer in the biology department. He teaches Principles of Biology, BIO 152. He also teaches BIO 305, Intro to Neuroscience Techniques, a course that gives students in the Neuroscience program their first experiences working with behavioral, molecular, and histological experiments. In past semesters, Dr. Jones has taught BIO 102 Human Ecology, BIO 103 Basic Ideas of Biology, BIO 148 Introductory Biology, BIO 425 Senior Seminar, and the lab component of BIO 315 Cell Biology. Dr. Jones is a native Kentuckian from Shepherdsville, KY.
Dr. Jones' research background is in the neurobiology of fear learning. His graduate work at Emory University focused on how the olfactory sensory system in mice changes when a previously neutral smell is associated with a threatening stimulus. As a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, he worked on establishing the relationship between learning in a mouse model of autism and neuronal branching.
- Rhodes College, 2001, BS in Biology
- Emory University, 2007, Ph.D. in Neuroscience
- Neurobiology
- Biology
- Biology Education