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By Whitney Hale

Choice magazine has named two books published by the University Press of Kentucky (UPK) as Outstanding Academic Titles in its January issue. "After the Dream: Black and White Southerners since 1965" and "How Kentucky Became Southern: A Tale of Outlaws, Horse Thieves, Gamblers, and Breeders," written by UK alumna Maryjean Wall, made the list of titles the publication recommended to its readership.

Choice's "Outstanding Academic Titles, 2011" reveals the best in scholarly titles reviewed by Choice magazine for the year. The honor brings with it extraordinary recognition from the academic library community as more than 35,000 academic librarians, faculty and decision makers use reviews in Choice magazine and from 


By Sarah Geegan

Archaeology — a profession that often inspires visions of treasure-hunters, the likes of Indiana Jones and Benjamin Gates from National Treasure — seems somewhat out of place in Kentucky. However, the Kentucky Archaeological Survey (KAS), administered by the UK Department of Anthropology, has put itself on the map in terms of archaeological relevance and success.

KAS, an organization also administered by the Kentucky Heritage Council, serves to provide educational and research assistance, as well as community outreach.Working with schools, museums, historical societies and communities through its many research projects, KAS strives to educate the public regarding Kentucky's rich

During the last week of March, 2012, Peter Idstein showed his classes how volcanoes erupt. Since there aren't any in Kentucky, Idstein used trash cans filled with water as the 'volcanoes,' and liquid nitrogen as the catalyst for the eruption. In this podcast, Idstein describes the set-up procedures, students react, and we share some explosive audio!

Idstein's demonstrations were for a course he is teaching, Geology 160: Geology for Elementary School Teachers. Idstein is the lab coordinator for the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, and does research on karst hydrogeology, studying groundwater systems in Kentucky. 

This podcast was produced by Cheyenne Hohman.

A&S photographer was also on hand to

By Colleen Glenn

Congratulations are in order for graduate student Jonathan Meyer who has been awarded a fellowship to attend The American School of Classical Studies at Athens next year. Meyer, a Master’s student in the UK Classics Department, will spend the 2012-2013 school year in Greece studying the history and culture of ancient Greece and the Hellenic world.

“When I found out that I had won the fellowship, I was thrilled,” said Meyer. “For months I had imagined myself living in Athens and walking daily in the footsteps of Socrates. Now I knew that that dream was about to be realized.”

A student and teacher of Latin, Meyer also specializes in the Greek language and passed examinations in ancient Greek translation and Greek literature as part of the selection process

Date: Monday, April 9, 2012 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Location: Student CEnter Room 211

The Division of Classics of the Department of Modern & Classical Languages, Literatures, & Cultures presents "A Questions of Time: Apollonius' Argonautica and the Jubilee of Ptolemy III and Euergetes I", a lecture by Jackie Murray, Assistant Professor of Classics at Skidmore College.

WHEN: Monday April 9, noon

Download the flyer

About the speaker
Prof. Murray's current research focuses on the 3rd-century BCE author Apollonius Rhodius of Alexandria. Apollonius' epic poem, Argonautica, traces the voyage of Jason and the Argonauts in search of the golden fleece.  In the course of the poem, Apollonius is careful to

Date: Thursday, April 12, 2012 - 7:30pm to 9:00pm
Location: Willian T. Young Library Auditorium

The 2011-2012 Distinguished Professor Lecture will be delivered by Ronald D Eller, a professor of Appalachian Studies and History. His lecture is entitled "Seeking the Good Life in America: Lessons From the Appalachian Past". It will take place in the William T. Young Library Auditorium onThursday, April 12, at 7:30p.m. The event is free and open to the public.

Ron Eller is a professor in the department of History, where he specializes in Appalachian history. In this Dean's Channel video, Professor Eller speaks about his new book, "Uneven Ground: Appalachian Since 1945" and his ties to the Appalachian region.



By Sarah Geegan

The UK American Studies Programthe Graduate School,UK Student Government Association and the English Graduate Student Organization will present "Hawthorne and the State of War," a lecture by Philip Gould from 12:30 - 1:15 p.m. Friday, March 30, in the Niles Gallery.

Gould is professor of English at Brown University and the author of "Covenant and Republic: History Romance and the Politics of Puritanism." His work has also appeared in journals such as "Eighteenth Century Studies," "American Literary History," and "Journal of the Early Republic".

The story of Nathaniel Hawthorne's


 By Jenny Wells

The University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Tuesday approved University Research Professorships for 2012-13 for four faculty members. The professorships carry a $40,000 award to support research. Funds for these annual awards are provided by the Office of the Vice President for Research.

Now in its 36th year, the University Research Professors program's purpose is to enhance and encourage scholarly research productivity, provide an opportunity for concentrated research effort for selected faculty members, and to recognize outstanding research achievement by members of the faculty.



The University Research Professors are:

Christopher Pool

Pool, a professor in the UK


By Sarah Geegan

The University of Kentucky Board of Trustees approved honorary degrees to be presented at the May Commencement to professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering and NASA researcher Vijay K. Dhir, as well as biology professor and president of the University of Iowa, Sally Mason.

Born in India, Dhir came to the United States in 1969 after receiving his Bachelor of Science degree from Punjab Engineering College in Chandigarh, India in 1965 and his Master of Technology degree from the Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur, India in 1968. After receiving his Ph.D. from the University of Kentucky in 1972, he joined the faculty of UCLA and continued consulting for numerous organizations, including the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, GE Corp., Hughes Aircraft, Rockwell International and the Los Alamos and Brookhaven National Labs.


By Whitney Hale, Sarah Geegan

A duo of Japan's foremost Tsugaru shamisen performers, Oyama x Nitta, will perform for a Bluegrass audience at an upcoming concert presented by the Japan/America Society of Kentucky (JASK), the University of Kentucky Japan Studies Program and the Asia Center. The concert, part of the statewide Kentucky Cherry Blossom Festival, will take to the stage 3 p.m. Sunday, April 1, at Memorial Hall.

The Tsugaru shamisen is a banjo-like instrument from the Tsugaru region in Aomori Prefecture in the northernmost part of Japan’s central island of Honshu. Oyama x Nitta is comprised of Tsugaru shamisen performers Yutaka Oyama

Date: Monday, March 26, 2012
Time: 6:00 - 7:30pm
Location: Whitehall Classroom Building Room 118

Shenggen Fan: Director General, International Food Policy Research Institute

To learn more about the Year of China, click here.

Date: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Location: Room 206 Student Center

The English Department welcomes all students interested in taking Fall 2012 English classes to its pre-registration reception from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in Room 206 Student Center.  Come meet and chat with other English majors and the English Department faculty! There will also be a drawing for Coffea gift cards!  Light refreshments will be served.



By Sarah Geegan, Robin Roenker

Retired chemistry Professor Jim Holler ended his tenure as one of UK's most popular and celebrated teachers with a bang last December — literally. 

On the last day of classes last semester, before officially retiring on Jan. 3, 2012, Holler led his students outside the 


By Kel Hahn, Jenny Wells

Sen-Ching (Samson) Cheung is an associate professor in the University of Kentucky College of Engineering's Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and a faculty member within the UK Center for Visualization and Virtual Environments. Like most professors, he is deeply involved in engineering research. Most of his research has been in the area of multimedia information analysis.

"I enjoy solving problems and developing new theories, working on new technology and future products," Cheung explains. "But something like video surveillance does not impact me personally. At the end of the day, I can leave my research in the lab."

The distance between professional research and personal impact was shortened a few years ago when Cheung and his wife began to detect developmental delays with their son. They noticed he


The following story was translated from Chinese to English by Hive member Yiwen Chen. You can read the original stories in Chinese here and here.

Jilin University is a top-ranked university in Changchun, the capital city of Jilin Province in Northeastern China. Jilin University has established worldwide exchange programs with more than 110 universities, colleges, and research institutes in 25 countries/districts, including a partnership with the University of Kentucky.

Over 1,500 foreign students are currently enrolled in Jilin University. A group of exchange students from Jilin University

By Sarah Geegan


The revolutions throughout Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and other nations in the Arab world have inspired earnest debate among experts. Are the ideological underpinnings of the revolutions democratic, religious, liberal or non-ideological? Will these revolutions spearhead an Islamist takeover of the Arab world? Professor Asef Bayat, of the University of Illinois, will address these questions Friday, March 23, in the William T. Young Library auditorium.

The UK College of Arts and Sciences and the Muslim World Working Group will present the symposium titled, "Understanding the Arab Spring." The event will include a lecture from Bayat, "The Arab Spring: Are the Islamists Coming?" as well as commentary from three UK


By Sarah Geegan

The University of Kentucky Asia Center, in the latest installment of its 2012 Spring Speaker Series, will present an exploration of Buddhism and it's place in daily life on Friday, March 23.

The event, which will include two lecturers, will expose students to Buddhism and the social and practical roles it plays in various societies. Professors Ruth Baer from the UK Department of Psychology and Jeffery Samuels from the Department of Philosophy and Religion at Western Kentucky University will present.



By Sarah Geegan

Students in professor Randolph Hollingsworth's research seminar expanded the boundaries of a typical history class as they examined the complexities and influences of Kentucky civil rights era women. By participating in digital dialogues, contributing to online databases and engaging in community service, the students experienced history by thinking outside the book.

"We don't have many scholarly books covering the wide-ranging history of women in Kentucky," Hollingsworth said. "One thing that we've found is that women are simply absent in many historical records. Sometimes it's a willful absence, and people choose not to include them. But then other times, it's just neglect."

The course aimed to begin filling this historical void. Students served as history-detectives,

By Colleen Glenn

Pauline Stratman, a teaching assistant in the Department of Chemistry at UK, was recently honored with a 2012 Provost’s Award for Outstanding Teaching. Stratman is athird-year Ph.D. student focusing on biological chemistry.

“I was so excited to win the award.  It was incredible,” said Stratman.

Teaching can be a challenging vocation in any field, but for teachers of tough subjects such as chemistry, the challenges can be double.

“When I tell people that I am a chemist, the response is often a sign of their feelings towards chemistry,” explained Stratman. “Those feelings are often not the most positive ones. Chemistry has a stigma.”

But already as a teaching assistant, Stratman has found a way to reach


By Whitney Hale

The University of Kentucky’s Aleksey Graboviy, an accounting sophomore, and Nolan Jackson, a political science junior, have been awarded two Henry Clay Internships presented by the Kentucky Society of Washington. The public policy internships will allow Graboviy and Jackson to work in an office of a member of the Kentucky congressional delegation or an office of the executive branch.

The Kentucky Society of Washington awards a limited number of internships to qualified Kentucky college students. Each intern receives a stipend of $3,000 for living expenses in