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Theatre: An Introduction

This course provides an introduction and investigation in the analysis, research, production, and creative techniques central to the art of theatre. Student will read performance texts, attend live performances, and create a public performance. This online hybrid course will meet face-to-face one session per week.

Theatre: An Introduction

This course provides an introduction and investigation in the analysis, research, production, and creative techniques central to the art of theatre. Student will read performance texts, attend live performances, and create a public performance. This online hybrid course will meet face-to-face one session per week.

Creativity & Art Of Acting

This course provides students with the tools to create their own short original works of theatre. Students will explore recent and current trends in theatre that allow performers to become creators of their own works. Students will examine the ways they can interpret language, literature, poetry, and dramatic texts to develop new ways to communicate their ideas in performance through the idiom of an ensemble.

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