Conduct Amer Foreign Rel
The formulation of American foreign policy from several analytic perspectives, with somewhat more emphasis on inputs and process than on substantive outputs.
The formulation of American foreign policy from several analytic perspectives, with somewhat more emphasis on inputs and process than on substantive outputs.
A non-chronological study of major Supreme Court decisions and recent issues relating to separation of powers, federalism, the commerce clause, taxes, criminal justice and other non-civil liberties areas.
An analysis of individual voting behavior and candidate strategies during presidential and congressional elections. The effect of the mass media, political action committees, and political advertising on the vote decision is examined. Attention is also devoted to candidates' campaign organizations and communication strategies.
An introduction to the nature and content of public opinion, how polls are conducted, the political effects of polling, and the role of public opinion in the policy-making process.
An exploration of different models of political behavior, based on concepts of psychoanalysis, behaviorism, humanism, and social psychology.
A study of Congress and the state legislatures,covering the legislative power structure, legislative committees, the selection of legislators and the roles they play, decision making, and the relations of the legislative and executive branches.
A topical seminar primarily for majors in political science and in related fields. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 credits in seminars of differing topics.
Analysis of research paradigms for political science, and investigation into the foundations of scientific inquiry. Emphasis on topics such as explanation, concept formation, the construction and function of theory, data, and verification.
Basic techniques of data collection, coding, and processing applicable to political research are introduced. Various statistical techniques of data analysis are discussed and applied to political data.
A survey of the major theoretical approaches to the study of international systems and processes.