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Inequalities In Society

This course seeks to promote an understanding of inequalities in American society by considering them in the context of the social origins, development, and persistence of inequalities in the United States and other societies. Bases of inequality that may be considered include race/ethnicity, class/status, gender/sexuality, age, political and regional differences as these relate to politics, social justice, community engagement, and/or public policy.

Medicine, Health, And Society

SOC/HSP 255 is an introduction to foundational social theories and concepts through the lens of health, healing, and medicine. Social science perspectives on health disparities across populations, how health and disease are defined and managed, and cultural experiences of illness provide a window into a broader understanding of social life. The course will focus on four major social theories - social constructionism, symbolic interactionism, conflict theory, and functionalism.

Medicine, Health, And Society

SOC/HSP 255 is an introduction to foundational social theories and concepts through the lens of health, healing, and medicine. Social science perspectives on health disparities across populations, how health and disease are defined and managed, and cultural experiences of illness provide a window into a broader understanding of social life. The course will focus on four major social theories - social constructionism, symbolic interactionism, conflict theory, and functionalism.

Soc Research Methods

A focus on issues of social and behavioral research design, covering such topics as the relationship between theory and research, the ethics of social science research, units of analysis, identification of variables and statement of hypotheses, sampling, measurement, and modes of social observation. Required for majors. This course is a Graduation Composition and Communication Requirement (GCCR) course in certain programs, and hence is not likely to be eligible for automatic transfer credit to UK.

Classical Soc Theory

A survey and analysis of theories of human social interaction and society from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Works of theorists, such as Marx, Weber, Durkheim, Simmel, and Mead will be considered. Emphasis is on the development of sociology as a discipline. Required for majors.

Classical Soc Theory

A survey and analysis of theories of human social interaction and society from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Works of theorists, such as Marx, Weber, Durkheim, Simmel, and Mead will be considered. Emphasis is on the development of sociology as a discipline. Required for majors.

Sociology Of Gender

A sociological study of gender as a socially and culturally constructed phenomenon. Topics shall include the intersection of gender and race/ethnicity and class; sexualities; gender and social movements; sociological theories concerning gender; feminist theory; and research on the relevance of gender to various subfields of sociology.

Intro To Criminology

A sociological study of the extent and nature of crime, delinquency, and more general deviant behavior. Topics may include the relationship between crime, deviance and law; measurement of crime and deviance; sociological theories of crime and deviance; and crime/deviance typologies.

Intro To Criminology

A sociological study of the extent and nature of crime, delinquency, and more general deviant behavior. Topics may include the relationship between crime, deviance and law; measurement of crime and deviance; sociological theories of crime and deviance; and crime/deviance typologies.

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