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Pharmacy As A Profession

This course introduces students to the profession of pharmacy, its role within the US healthcare system and its obligations to society. It provides students foundational knowledge of the structure of the US healthcare system and the laws, regulations, and ethical framework within which pharmacists practice.

Family Med Clerkship

This is an eight-week clinical course designed to provide physician assistant students with experience in evaluation and treating common problems encountered in Family medicine. Experience is provided at the level of a primary care physician assistant, and emphasis is placed on performing a history and physical exam, selecting and interpreting laboratory exams, establishing a logical differential diagnosis, evaluating evidence based medicine, performing selected studies, and establishing a tentative treatment and management plan.

Idd 2: Rheumatology

This course will describe the pathophysiology, pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, therapeutics and nondrug therapies associated with rheumatic diseases so that students can assess the specific disease, design and manage both lab assays and other indicative tests and drug- as well as non-drug related care plans for patients with these disease states.

Idd 2: Neurology

This course integrates knowledge from distinct scientific disciplines to progressively lead students toward understanding, mastering and designing patient care plans for patients with commonly encountered neurological diseases. The method of teaching and learning employed in this course will challenge the student to develop independent thought processes and self-directed learning skills.

Pharm Outcomes, Policy And Public Health

This course provides an overview of the interaction between pharmaceuticals/pharmacists and two disciplines: public health and public policy. The course will begin with an introduction to public health, including an overview of public health metrics and research methods. The rest of the course is devoted to public policy formulation, implementation and analysis. The impact of various health-related policies will be explored from local, state, national and global perspectives.

Patient-Centered Care Experience 3

This is the third course in the six-semester Patient-Centered Care Experience (PaCE) course sequence that is part of the pre-APPE curriculum. The PaCE course structure integrates PY1, PY2, and PY3 students into concurrent weekly laboratory sessions and intermittent complementary experiential fieldwork experiences. The course is designed to assist in developing the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to fulfill the professional and technical responsibilities necessary to provide patient-centered care and manage the medication use system.

Patient-Centered Care Experience 3

This is the third course in the six-semester Patient-Centered Care Experience (PaCE) course sequence that is part of the pre-APPE curriculum. The PaCE course structure integrates PY1, PY2, and PY3 students into concurrent weekly laboratory sessions and intermittent complementary experiential fieldwork experiences. The course is designed to assist in developing the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to fulfill the professional and technical responsibilities necessary to provide patient-centered care and manage the medication use system.

Patient-Centered Care Experience 3

This is the third course in the six-semester Patient-Centered Care Experience (PaCE) course sequence that is part of the pre-APPE curriculum. The PaCE course structure integrates PY1, PY2, and PY3 students into concurrent weekly laboratory sessions and intermittent complementary experiential fieldwork experiences. The course is designed to assist in developing the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to fulfill the professional and technical responsibilities necessary to provide patient-centered care and manage the medication use system.

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