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Practical Problems A-H: Art & Autntcty

A seminar that examines art from a practical perspective. It introduces various disciplines that relate to the understanding of art, such as materials, formats, handling, display, storage, conservation, and connoisseurship. Students engage firsthand with artworks, meanwhile deepening their knowledge of the background and context of the types of art examined. May be repeated under a different subtitle to a maximum of six credits. Prereq: graduate status or permission of the instructor.

Experiential Ed In A-H & Visual Studies

Internship with a university, community, state, regional, or national organization that provides practical work experience related to art history and/or visual studies. The internship is identified by the student, conducted under the supervision of the on-site supervisor, and evaluated by a faculty advisor. Students must file a learning contract with the College of Fine Arts to register for the course. May be repeated to a maximum of nine credits. Prereq: Two art history courses at the 500-level, or graduate status, or permission of instructor.

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