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Organization Theories In Arts Admin

Organization theory examines the inner workings of institutions in an attempt to understand organization functionality. For this course, theories are drawn from numerous disciplines including arts management, business administration, nonprofit management, and public administration. Additionally, theories may be classical, foundational, modern, postmodern, and/or critical. Specifically, this course explores various organizational theories that are relevant to running and studying nonprofit arts organizations.

Financial Mgmt For Arts Organizations

Financial management is a central function of successful arts management. It is the foundation in which human, physical, and financial resources are maintained and monitored. In the nonprofit sector, the relationship of "mission to money" is a key conceptual framework that must be understood by arts managers and will be emphasized in this course. In addition, arts managers are the source of financial information to both internal and external stakeholders, and successful financial analysis is essential for sound strategic planning and governance.

Management And Leadership In The Arts

People are the basis of arts organizations. Understanding the factors that determine individual actions and interactions, being able to solve problems, capitalize on new opportunities and reach goals is necessary for being a successful leader in a work environment. As such, this course focuses on the planned, systematic process in which applied organizational theory and behavioral science principles and practices are introduced into organizations, toward the goal of increasing organizational and individual effectiveness.

Fundraising: Individual Donors

This course will help students develop the necessary skills for soliciting contributions from individuals by focusing on the identification, cultivation, solicitation, and acknowledgement of contributions to arts organizations. Students will learn how to identify potential donors and create a "case for giving" that aligns with the arts organization's mission before creating targeted fundraising campaigns. The course will also include creative and effective methods of retaining donors.

Arts Administration Technologies

From brochures to web sites to video, arts organizations are investing more time and resources in effectively communicating with the public. As such, arts administrators must be skills in utilizing current technology to convey messages. In this course, students will learn a variety of software applications that will aid in the successful creation of print materials, web sites, video, and other multi-media presentations. Additionally, the course will introduce concepts of design principles and relevant theories.

Ei For Aad: Empathy

Emotional intelligence (EI) is arguably the most important key to success in one's career and personal life. In this course, students will explore the research and theories of EI, the various dimensions of EI, and EIs applications in the arts as related to empathy. Students will specifically focus on empathy, including the ways in which empathy is developed, managing one's own sense of empathy, and the impact of the empathy deficit. The course also asks students to connect empathy to the applied practice of arts administration.

Ei For Aad: Collaboration And Teamwork

This course is designed to expand the competencies of students in order to work successfully in teams and build true collaborations. Through structured and unstructured team building, students will analyze and evaluate their own experiences in both leading and participating in teams. Special consideration will be placed on the how teams function within arts organizations.

Marketing For The Arts

Connecting and communicating with current and prospective arts audiences is essential for ensuring a strong future for the arts. AAD 310 Marketing for the Arts offers an overview of marketing, advertising, and promotion for visual and performing arts institutions. Students will learn practical strategies and solutions for building audiences for the arts through market research, marketing principles, and communication techniques. Topics include audience development, market segmentation, positioning strategies, marketing plans, media coverage, and promotion techniques.

Fin Management For Arts Organizations II

Financial management is a core function within the management of cultural and arts organizations. It is the foundation upon which the resources (human, physical, and financial) of any organization are maintained and monitored. In the nonprofit sector, the relationship of "mission to money" is an important conceptual framework, and must be understood by arts managers. Financial analysis is an essential requisite for sound strategic planning and governance, and managers of nonprofit arts organizations are the source of financial information.

Event Planning & Management For The Arts

Event planning and event management are not the same thing. Further, events in the arts, entertainment, and cultural sectors have unique components. Through the creation of event timelines, event plans, reports, evaluation documents, project management tools, budgets, staffing plans, and risk assessments, students in this course will learn the fundamentals of event operations, venue management, and client relations.

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