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Gen Med Conditions In Physically Active

This is a course designed for students pursuing a certification in Athletic Training or similar professional license in health care professions that requires the study of the pathology, etiology and presentation of common general medical conditions in active populations. Systems will include cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, reproductive, and neurologic conditions most common to the physically active. In addition, concepts of pharmacology including pharmacokinetics, basic drug classifications and legal aspects of use will be covered.

Clin Int I: Lower Ext Assessment & Mgmt

This is a course designed for students pursuing a certification in Athletic Training. This is part of a sequence of courses that provides a review of clinical skills in the classroom. The overall objective of this course sequence is to integrate clinical skills into clinical experiences, while emphasizing clinical decision making. The student will be required to demonstrate proficiency in competencies specific to the semester content, as well as evaluated on practical examinations.

Clin Int V: Spine Assessment & Mgmt

This is a course designed for students pursuing a certification in Athletic Training. This is part of a sequence of courses that provides a review of clinical skills in the classroom. The overall objective of this course sequence is to integrate clinical skills into clinical experiences, while emphasizing clinical decision making. The student will be required to demonstrate proficiency in competencies specific to the semester content, as well as evaluated on practical examinations.

Clin Education In Athletic Training II

This is a 3-credit clinical course designed for students pursuing a certification in Athletic Training. This is the second course in a series of courses that combines supervised field experience with review of clinical skills from the classroom. Students will integrate didactic knowledge and clinical skills from previous coursework in to the clinical experience, specifically lower extremity evaluation, lower extremity rehabilitation and management, and administration. Students will also observe and assist clinical preceptors in healthcare delivery.

Clin Ed In At-Vi

This is a 6-credit practicum course designed for students pursuing a certification in Athletic Training. This is the sixth and final course in a series of courses that combines supervised field experience with review of clinical skills from the classroom. Students will integrate didactic knowledge and clinical skills from previous coursework in to the clinical experience, specifically upper and lower extremity and spine evaluation, upper and lower extremity and spine rehabilitation and management, therapeutic modalities, and emergency management.

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