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Tops In Bae: Adv Food Engineering

A detailed investigation of a topic of current significance in biosystems engineering such as: design of small earth dams, vacuum dehydration systems, small particle mechanics, biofuels, environmental control in green houses, sprinkler irrigation, energy conversion in agriculture, bio-simulation. May be repeated to a maximum of six credits, but only three credits can be earned under the same title. A particular topic may be offered at most twice under the BAE 599 number.

Tops In Bae: Heat & Mass Transfer

A detailed investigation of a topic of current significance in biosystems engineering such as: design of small earth dams, vacuum dehydration systems, small particle mechanics, biofuels, environmental control in green houses, sprinkler irrigation, energy conversion in agriculture, bio-simulation. May be repeated to a maximum of six credits, but only three credits can be earned under the same title. A particular topic may be offered at most twice under the BAE 599 number.

Watershed Management

This course provides an overview of the scientific principles and management strategies used to effectively manage the physical, chemical, biological and social resources within a watershed so as to improve and sustain the integrity of the watershed system. The course will examine watershed management from both a scientific/engineering perspective as well as from a social science/policy perspective. Examples of effective watershed management will be drawn from cases studies in Kentucky and the United States.

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