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King of String Theory Visits UK

Until recently, most physicists believed that the laws of nature allow only one kind of universe to exist — the universe as we know it. The hope was that as we learn more and more about the laws of physics at their most fundamental level, we come closer to a unique set of laws. To a large number of physicists, string theory offers the best hope of discovering these laws.

Iraqi Delegation Visits UK, Lexington

A delegation of six Iraqi professors from the University of Kufa arrived on campus April 2. They are part of the Iraq University Linkages Program, which pairs Iraqi schools with U.S. institutions that can assist with curricular development.

In 2010, the University of Kentucky was one of five U.S. schools selected to receive a 3-year grant for curriculum development in Iraq. UK was paired with the University of Kufa, which is located in Najaf province in southern Iraq.

Iraqi Delegation Visits UK, Lexington

A delegation of six Iraqi professors from the University of Kufa arrived on campus April 2. They are part of the Iraq University Linkages Program, which pairs Iraqi schools with U.S. institutions that can assist with curricular development.

In 2010, the University of Kentucky was one of five U.S. schools selected to receive a 3-year grant for curriculum development in Iraq. UK was paired with the University of Kufa, which is located in Najaf province in southern Iraq.

When does added symmetry shift a rigid crystal to a flexible crystal?

Motivated by properties of widely used minerals called Zeolites, there has been a rapid development of work towards predicting flexibility or rigidity of periodic structures. Given data bases for possible artificial zeolites, and the observations that functioning zeolites are flexible - there is a strong interest in ways to test a computer model prior to building the crystals in the lab. Several of these recent papers have given necessary (and sometimes sufficient) conditions for periodic generic frameworks to be infinitesimally rigid. Other recent papers have explored when symmetry in a finite framework shifts the framework from rigid to flexible.

Building on these two foundations, recent work with Bernd Schulze (TU Berlin) and Elissa Ross (York University) has examined necessary conditions for rigidity of periodic frameworks with added symmetry. Again, there are circumstances, such as inversive symmetry in a crystal, which convert the count for generic rigidity into an orbit count which guarantees flexibility.

We will present an overview of these results, with a few animations and tables, as well as the core technique of orbit rigidity matrices. We conclude with an array of unsolved problems. Related papers are on the arXiv.

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