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Astro Seminar: Gururaj Wagle

Modeling the Cirrus Clouds


The cirrus clouds are mainly diffuse or translucent clouds, with typically

a very low visual extinction. But such clouds may have dense molecular cores.

These cores could be precursors to star formation and are very good candidates

to study early phases of stellar evolution. Despite of the apparent simplicity of

these regions, the observations of the dense gas tracers contradict with the

models and hence suggesting a gap in our understanding of these regions.

Polaris Flare is a high latitude cirrus cloud, with several star-less cores. A

translucent molecular cloud MCLD 123.5+24.9 is one of the denser regions of

the Polaris cirrus complex, located in the direction near the celestial North Pole.

I am going to discuss the models of this region using Cloudy with the help of

CO transition line observations and recent Herschel observations from the

continuum dust emission.

179 Chem-Phys Bldg

Astro Seminar: Ye Wang

Quasar Spectral Energy Distributions and the Effects of Intervening Clouds


The nature of the Broad Line Region (BLR) of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) is an area of

vigorous debate. The geometry of the BLR clouds is also uncertain. I will first present

the current model of AGNs and BLR. Then I will review recent work on the X-ray time

variability of Mrk 766, a Seyfert 1 galaxy.  I will then introduce a new geometry for

the BLR clouds. This new geometry, which we call the intervening BLR clouds model,

has BLR clouds along our line of sight. These intervening clouds generate a depression

at ~900Å to ~1200Å. Observations of Mrk 766 and other AGNs suggest that intervening

clouds may exist in most AGNs. The real SED of the AGNs in that wavelength range may

be higher than we now suppose due to the depression made by intervening clouds.

179 Chem-Phys Bldg

Astro Seminar: Furea Kiuchi

Magnetic fields in the High Velocity Clouds


The high velocity clouds (HVCs) that cover the sky around the Milky Way are now

widely believed to be low-metallicity gas that is being accreted by the Galaxy,

fueling star formation and stabilizing the Galactic disk. There is a fundamental

question about what holds the clouds together as coherent entities. One possible

mechanism for stabilizing a cloud is its magnetic field.  Indeed, the interaction of a falling

cloud with the galactic halo depends keenly on the strength and orientation of the

magnetic field. Smith's Cloud is one of those falling clouds that is on its way to

interact with the galactic plane. I'll talk about its current observational result while

trying to remove the possible instrumental effects.

179 Chem-Phys Bldg

Condensed Matter Seminar: Babak Seredjeh

Topological Exciton Condensate

Babak Seradjeh (IU)

Recent advances in the study of band insulators have revealed the

existence of new topological invariants that characterize these

materials. Among the three-dimensional time-reversal invariant

insulators a "strong" topological insulator (STI) was predicted to

exist, shortly followed by experimental confirmations in several

Bi-related materials with strong spin-orbit interaction. The STI is

physically distinguished by surface states with an odd number of Fermi

level crossing pairs, which remain metallic in the presence of weak

disorder. These states exhibit linear dispersion and behave as

massless Dirac fermions familiar from the physics of graphene. Having

an odd number of Dirac fermions leads to some exotic properties

associated with surfaces of a STI, such as a fractional quantum Hall


We have recently predicted that a "topological exciton condensate" is

spontaneously formed by the Coulomb interaction in a thin-film STI,

which intriguingly supports vortices with a precisely fractional value

of charge, e/2. This is a distinct correlated phase of matter enabled

by the special properties of topological insulators. I shall review

these developments and present our theory of the topological exciton

condensate. I will also discuss recent results on the effects of

particle-hole imbalance which show a spatially modulated condensate

can form in this case akin to the elusive

Fulde-Ferrel-Larkin-Ovchinikov state in an s-wave superconductor. I

will conclude by suggestions for the experimental observation of this

novel condensate.





This week's CM/CAM seminar will be given by Babak Seradjeh, a new professor at Indiana University-Bloomington. His will speak about his work onthin films of topological insulators, but there are are also interesting connections with graphene.

Dont miss it! Refreshments will be provided before. 

179 Chem-Phys Bldg

Condensed Matter Seminar: Cristian Staii

Application of Advanced Scanning Probe Microscopies in Biophysics and Condensed Matter Physics: from Neuronal Networks to Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanosensors


Invented in 1986, the Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) is probably the single most important tool in nanotechnology. A whole host of AFM-based techniques called Scanning Probe Microscopies (SPMs) have been developed to study a wide range of systems from imaging surfaces with sub-nanometer (sometimes even atomic) resolution and manipulation of matter at the level of molecules (nanoscale level) to studies of physical properties of biomolecules such as proteins and nucleic acids. In this presentation I will exemplify the use of SPMs to study some fundamental biophysical processes as well as the electronic transport in low-dimensional systems. As a first example, I will show that the AFM can be used to immobilize proteins at well-defined locations directly onto gold substrates, and to control effectively the adhesion, growth and interconnectivity of cortical neurons on these surfaces. I will demonstratethat this method allows us to control geometric and chemical factors that can be used to influence the growth and development of neuronal assemblages in simple geometries. As a second example, I will describe the use of SPM to study the doping mechanism and the charge transport in reduced graphene oxide chemical sensors.


Condensed Matter Seminar Calendar



179 Chem-Phys Bldg
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