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This spring, over 20 colleges and universities across the nation will be working together with the non-for-profit organization REACT to FILM. REACT to FILM screens social issue based documentaries to engage and activate young people. On February 8th at 7 PM EST, the documentary film SING YOUR SONG directed and written by Susanne Rostock, will be shown at the University of Kentucky’s Worsham Theatre sponsored by REACT to FILM and the African American and Africana Studies Program.

Following the film will include a discussion and Q&A with UK faculty. The admission is free, but it would be preferred to to access the Facebook link (found on UK Arts & Sciences wall post) to reserve seating.

University of Kentucky’s Worsham Theatre

Geoscience Orientation

Survey of geoscience disciplines and post-baccalaureate career options for Geology majors. Introduction to the range of geoscience research approaches and means of dissemination of geoscience information. Guest speakers from industry, government, and academia will discuss career issues specific to geology, including consideration of appropriate educational preparation for potential career paths. Pass/Fail only. Prereq: GLY 220 and sophomore standing.

Earth Dynamics

Basic planetary changes through geological time, including continental drift, formation of supercontinents, paleoclimate, and the growth of the earth?s crust. Students will be required to take the Fundamentals component of the ASBOG professional geologist certification exam (fee required). Prereq: Senior standing with at least 30 credits in a Geological Sciences curriculum.

Sem Tectonc Strtgrphy

Seminar in Tectonics and Stratigraphy. Past topics include: Tectonics and Stratigraphy of the Appalachians; Tectonics and Sedimentation; Basin Analysis. May be repeated to a maximum of nine credits under different subtitles. Prereq: Consent of instructor.

Clay Mineralogy

A comprehensive study of the crystal structures of clay minerals commonly found in soils and sediments. Lecture and discussion,?three hours. Prereq: GLY 360 or consent of instructor. (Same as PLS 741.)

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