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Dean's Channel: New Applied Stats Lab Sets the Course for Collaboration

Dean Mark Kornbluh sits down with statistics professors Arne Bathke and Arny Stromberg about the opening of the Applied Statistics Laboratory. This new resource will be available for use by multiple colleges and disciplines to meet statisitical analysis needs for all kinds of research. For more information, please visit the lab's website:

Amelia Begins Blogging


Hi everyone! My name is Amelia and I'm new to the Hive as well as A&S blogging. So, I would like to present my beginning, introductory blog which will be quicly followed by various travel related or French related blogs. I hope everyone who watches these enjoys them!

Enzymatic Total Syntheses and Tailored Enzymes: New Aspects of Biosynthesis Research - Chemistry Seminar

Dr Jurgen Rohr of UK Pharmaceutical Sciences will be presenting a seminar entitled Enzymatic Total Syntheses and Tailored Enzymes - New Aspects of Biosynthesis Research.

For more information about Dr. Rohr and his research, click here.
Faculty host: Dr. Miller

Bert C. Lynn Ph.D Talks Patents, Department of Chemistry

What's cookin' in the Chemistry Department? UK Chemistry Professor Bert C. Lynn speaks about the various patents that chemistry research at UK has developed. Lynn's research obtained a patent on a developed enzyme that identifies symptoms of the onset of Alzeimer's Disease. Professor Lynn was also able to start a company based on this patent that strives to bring this new enzyme to the commercial market.

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