How to edit profiles
This video explains the current process of how to update your profile on the new College of Arts & Sciences website. Please remember to login with your linkblue id in order to access your profile.
This video explains the current process of how to update your profile on the new College of Arts & Sciences website. Please remember to login with your linkblue id in order to access your profile.
An intro to the new website and how to log in to edit your profile and post comments.
Interdisciplinary, topical or experimental courses to be approved by the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. A particular course may be offered at most three times under the A&S 300 number, and no A&S 300 course may be given for more than six credits per semester. Open to all University students, subject to such limits or prerequisites as set by the instructor. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve credit hours under different subtitles.
This course is designed to assist students in preparation for the continuing academic rigors of coursework in the College of Arts and Sciences majors. Through lectures, discussions, exercises, and out-of- class assignments, A&S 140: FOCUS: Connect and Recover will enable students to actively develop and maintain skill sets and study habits based on current educational practices and research linked to increased degree completion.
An introductory course of an interdisciplinary, topical, or experimental nature which may be used toward partial fulfillment of the Social Sciences requirement in the College of Arts and Sciences Each pilot or experimental course must be approved by the department chair and by the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences; a particular title may be offered no more than three times under this course number. Open to all university students, subject to controlled enrollment or prerequisites as set by the instructor. May be repeated under different subtitles up to 12 SCH.
This course will provide students with an opportunity to gain research experience drawing on the methods used in the social sciences. Students will be exposed to the process of research and writing used by social scientists. Student will identify and evaluate previous research, identify a topic of interest for research, conduct a literature review and create a research proposal for an original research project.
This course is designed to assist students in developing the tools they need to be successful in their student leadership positions in the College of Arts & Sciences. May be repeated to a maximum of eight credits.
Interdisciplinary, topical or experimental courses to be approved by the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. A particular course may be offered at most three times under the A&S 300 number, and no A&S 300 course may be given for more than six credits per semester. Open to all University students, subject to such limits or prerequisites as set by the instructor. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve credit hours under different subtitles.
This course is designed to assist students in preparation for the continuing academic rigors of coursework in the College of Arts and Sciences majors. Through lectures, discussions, exercises, and out-of- class assignments, A&S 140: FOCUS: Connect and Recover will enable students to actively develop and maintain skill sets and study habits based on current educational practices and research linked to increased degree completion.