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Res Apprenticeship In Rehab Sci

In-depth study of a discipline specific topic under the direction of a member of the graduate faculty. Emphasis on scientific method including development of a research question, methodology, data collection and analysis. Students will complete a supervised research project during the course. Variable credit hours repeatable to a maximum of 21 credit hours.

Res Apprenticeship In Rehab Sci

In-depth study of a discipline specific topic under the direction of a member of the graduate faculty. Emphasis on scientific method including development of a research question, methodology, data collection and analysis. Students will complete a supervised research project during the course. Variable credit hours repeatable to a maximum of 21 credit hours.

Adv Radiation Dosimetry

Advanced aspects of the interaction of radiation with matter and specialized topics in the dosimetry of ionizing radiations. Modifications of Bragg-Gray theory for application to megavoltage sources. Beta dosimetry. Specialized calibration techniques. Relative response functions of various media. Nontraditional techniques. Dosimetry of radiation fields including complex spectra.

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