Independent Study In Rhb
Independent study for graduate students interested in specific interdisciplinary topics in Rehabilitation and Health Sciences. May be repeated to a maximum of 21 credits.
Independent study for graduate students interested in specific interdisciplinary topics in Rehabilitation and Health Sciences. May be repeated to a maximum of 21 credits.
In-depth study of a discipline specific topic under the direction of a member of the graduate faculty. Emphasis on scientific method including development of a research question, methodology, data collection and analysis. Students will complete a supervised research project during the course. Variable credit hours repeatable to a maximum of 21 credit hours.
In-depth study of a discipline specific topic under the direction of a member of the graduate faculty. Emphasis on scientific method including development of a research question, methodology, data collection and analysis. Students will complete a supervised research project during the course. Variable credit hours repeatable to a maximum of 21 credit hours.
An analysis of common radiation hazards encount- ered in medicine, research, industry, and the environ- ment. Regulations and procedures for the safe use of ionizing and non-ionizing radiations. Lecture, two hours; laboratory, two and one-half hours.
Advanced aspects of the interaction of radiation with matter and specialized topics in the dosimetry of ionizing radiations. Modifications of Bragg-Gray theory for application to megavoltage sources. Beta dosimetry. Specialized calibration techniques. Relative response functions of various media. Nontraditional techniques. Dosimetry of radiation fields including complex spectra.
Specialized and advanced topics in diagnostic imaging, including modulation transfer function analysis, image processing algorithms, acceptance testing, CT, NMR, ultrasound, etc.
Specialized external beam and brachytherapy treatment planning; advanced Bragg-Gray cavity applications, including Ngas and TG-21; calibration, acceptance testing, and quality control of therapy physics equipment.
Applied field work at the graduate level in the sciences relating to radiation medicine. May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
Applied field work at the graduate level in the sciences relating to radiation medicine. May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
Applied field work at the graduate level in the sciences relating to radiation medicine. May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.