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Human Sexuality

An introductory survey of human sexuality, including gender, love and intimacy, sexual expression and variation, sexual orientation, contraception, pregnancy and birth, sexually transmitted infections, sexual coercion, and sex in society.

Life Course Human Development

Introduction to basic principles of human development through the life course of the individual from conception to death, including common life transitions and social changes that shape people's lives. Roles of family, school, peers, and work will also be examined in relation to human development. Emphasis will be placed on general theories of human development across the life course.

Learning And Healing Through Play

This course uses child development as the foundation to discuss the importance of play throughout childhood to understand, educate, and support healing. Students will learn about various forms of play for each developmental stage, the value of various play environments, and be introduced to effectively integrating play into therapeutic, medical, and educational settings.

Consumer Economics And Issues

An in-depth study of consumer issues, rights, and responsibilities. An examination of how individual and societal decisions affect quality of life, including consumer safety, and the interactions of consumption, health, law, government regulations, and the economy. Consumer education and financial literacy will also be emphasized.

Adolescent Development

An in-depth analysis of adolescent development and adjustments using an ecological, multi-contextual framework. The primary focus is on scholarship and empirical evidence from a number of disciplines that have direct bearing on the study of adolescent development, with a particular interest in applying a cross-cultural/national comparative lens. This course is a Graduation Composition and Communication Requirement (GCCR) course in certain programs, and hence is not likely to be eligible for automatic transfer credit to UK.

Introduction To Family Intervention

Survey course to introduce students to the various skills, strategies and professional ethical standards used by family scientists in helping relationships. The emphasis will be on learning the skills required to provide support for families and individuals. This course is a Graduation Composition and Communication Requirement (GCCR) course in certain programs, and hence is not likely to be eligible for automatic transfer credit to UK.

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