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Design Studio Vi

Architecture, Housing, and the Environment. Working collaboratively on multi-family housing projects, students investigate design for the environment, through site analysis, building assemblies design, and environmental systems research in the pursuit of a holistic, integrated architectural proposal. Projects offer multi-scaled explorations of the relationships between part and whole, difference and repetition, and architecture and site. Studio: 12 hours per week.

Digital Visualization I

Students are introduced to concepts of computer visualization as applied to the study of architecture. Students will utilize modeling, rendering, and animation software to create three-dimensional representations of selected projects. Lecture: two hours; laboratory: two hours per week.

Design Studio Vii

Advanced, research-intensive architecture studio based upon themes and methodologies defined by individual faculty. Students leverage disciplinary knowledge and applied research, analysis, and critical thinking to design an architectural response to complex problems. Studio: 12 hours per week.

Topics In Architecture

This course number is to allow for new and experimental classes to be introduced into the architectural curriculum on an ad hoc basis. The course, if adopted on a permanent basis, will be formally proposed for addition to the College curriculum and assigned a new, permanent number. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve credits under different subtitles.

Tops In Arc: Body Ornamentation

This course number is to allow for new and experimental classes to be introduced into the architectural curriculum on an ad hoc basis. The course, if adopted on a permanent basis, will be formally proposed for addition to the College curriculum and assigned a new, permanent number. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve credits under different subtitles.

Topics In Architecture

This course number is to allow for new and experimental classes to be introduced into the architectural curriculum on an ad hoc basis. The course, if adopted on a permanent basis, will be formally proposed for addition to the College curriculum and assigned a new, permanent number. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve credits under different subtitles.

Topics In Architecture: Housing

This course number is to allow for new and experimental classes to be introduced into the architectural curriculum on an ad hoc basis. The course, if adopted on a permanent basis, will be formally proposed for addition to the College curriculum and assigned a new, permanent number. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve credits under different subtitles.

Topics In Architecture

This course number is to allow for new and experimental classes to be introduced into the architectural curriculum on an ad hoc basis. The course, if adopted on a permanent basis, will be formally proposed for addition to the College curriculum and assigned a new, permanent number. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve credits under different subtitles.

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