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Independent Study

Designed for students with research or special study problems. Regular consultation with the instructor. May be repeated to a maximum of six credits. Enrollment normally limited to juniors and seniors with a 3.0 standing in the major. These requirements may be waived by the department in exceptional circumstances.

Global Public Relations Strategies

This course will focus on the role, function and influence of public relations in a global environment. Topics include culture, global trends, multicultural communication knowledge, national media structures and public policy, and international legal and ethical codes in public relations. Global case studies are used to develop and implement strategic and creative communications plans.

Intrntnl And Cross-Cultural Advertising

The International Advertising course is designed to introduce students to the opportunities and challenges involved in developing strategies and for implementing communication plans for international markets. The course examines the topic of international advertising from an "inside- out" perspective, beginning with an exploration of marketers' opportunities among consumers in the US before expanding the scope of discussion to international and global markets.

Specialized Public Relations Writing

Audiences and purposes of writing are assessed as students develop a formal strategy to guide - and to evaluate - their writing. Strategic writing tasks will include writing of position papers, speech writing, and writing for borchures, media releases, letters and newsletters. Societal impact and ethical considerations are examined across all writing tasks. Lecture, two hours; laboratory, two hours per week.

Dir Response Targtng Media/Database Mgmt

This course will introduce students to direct marketing practices with emphasis on data base marketing, strategic business planning, importance of the offer, selection and selling merchandise, business-to-business direct marketing, fund raising, mailing lists, print and electronic media, co-ops, telemarketing, production lead generation, direct marketing math, idea development, research and integrating direct marketing into the overall marketing mix. The course will be practical rather than theoretical in nature.

Dir Response Targtng Media/Database Mgmt

This course will introduce students to direct marketing practices with emphasis on data base marketing, strategic business planning, importance of the offer, selection and selling merchandise, business-to-business direct marketing, fund raising, mailing lists, print and electronic media, co-ops, telemarketing, production lead generation, direct marketing math, idea development, research and integrating direct marketing into the overall marketing mix. The course will be practical rather than theoretical in nature.

Dir Response Targtng Media/Database Mgmt

This course will introduce students to direct marketing practices with emphasis on data base marketing, strategic business planning, importance of the offer, selection and selling merchandise, business-to-business direct marketing, fund raising, mailing lists, print and electronic media, co-ops, telemarketing, production lead generation, direct marketing math, idea development, research and integrating direct marketing into the overall marketing mix. The course will be practical rather than theoretical in nature.

Dir Response Targtng Media/Database Mgmt

This course will introduce students to direct marketing practices with emphasis on data base marketing, strategic business planning, importance of the offer, selection and selling merchandise, business-to-business direct marketing, fund raising, mailing lists, print and electronic media, co-ops, telemarketing, production lead generation, direct marketing math, idea development, research and integrating direct marketing into the overall marketing mix. The course will be practical rather than theoretical in nature.

Strategic Public Relations

A course introducing students to the basic concepts of public relations, including its theory and practices, professional history, function in organizations, and role in society. This course meets the needs of those planning or currently involved in profesional and managerial careers which require an understanding of public relations.

Multimedia Storytelling In Isc

This course is designed to focus on creating short-form visual storytelling for the web, social, and other forms of digital communication using combinations of photographs, words, audio, and video. Emphasis is on conceptualizing and producing effective persuasive multimedia content. This class includes application of tools and strategies to produce multimedia content that tells stories about brands. "Brands" can include many entities such as companies, products, services, and nonprofits.

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