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Watching the Transit of Venus at UK Arboretum

Stargazing is typically reserved for after sundown, but what if you want to look at the biggest star in the sky? On June 5th, 2012, the planet Venus was visible by day – traveling in front of the sun! This is called the Transit of Venus, and is a rare astronomical event. A few hundred people gathered at the UK Arboretum to view the transit of Venus through special telescopes that allow safe observation of solar activity.

Teaching Tools for Public Participation and Digital Mapping Workshop

This workshop explores how community mapping and geospatial technology can be incorporated in the classroom. A primary goal of this technique is helping students develop and demonstrate higher order thinking skills that engage them in the process of discovering and answering questions about their community. The goal is to introduce a range of simple open source/open access mapping tools that can be easily leveraged in class projects to highlight local issues and initiate conversations about community dynamics, space, and priorities.

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