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"Mechanisms of Development and Regeneration in Hydra"

Juliano SelfieDr. Celina Juliano | Juliano Lab

Dr. Juliano joined the faculty at UC Davis in 2015 as an Assistant Professor in the Molecular and Cellular Biology Department and was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in 2021. She is a developmental biologist with a long-standing interest in stem cell biology. Her doctoral research, mentored by Dr. Gary Wessel at Brown University, focused on understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying the maintenance of plasticity during sea urchin development. Dr. Juliano completed her post-doctoral work at Yale University in the laboratory of Dr. Haifan Lin with co-mentoring from Dr. Rob Steele at UC Irvine. At Yale, Dr. Juliano began working with Hydra, a small freshwater cnidarian that continually renews all cell types as an adult and has remarkable regenerative abilities. During her post-doctoral work, she discovered a critical role for the PIWI-piRNA pathway in Hydra stem cells. In her own laboratory at UC Davis, Dr. Juliano continues to use Hydra as a model to understand, stem cell function, development, and regeneration, with funding from the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Juliano was a recipient of the Elizabeth D. Hay New Investigator award from the Society for Developmental Biology in 2020 and she was named a UC Davis Chancellor’s fellow in 2024. Dr. Juliano is the founder of the biennial Cnidarian Model Systems Meetings, the founder and director of the annual Hydra Workshop (Marine Biological Laboratory), and a founding board member of the International Society for Regenerative Biology. 

In our laboratory at UC Davis, we use Hydra as a model to understand, stem cell function, development, and regeneration. As a starting point, we subjected the adult Hydra to single cell sequencing, created a molecular map of the entire organism, and built differentiation trajectories to describe each stem cell differentiation pathway. This work now serves as a foundation for our research goals, which include dissecting the molecular mechanisms underlying stem cell differentiation, understanding how the conserved injury program triggers developmental pathways during regeneration, and understanding how the Hydra nervous system is able to continually remove and add neurons into neural circuits.

THM 116

"The Missing Pieces: Lost Ecological Function following the Terminal Pleistocene Megafaunal Extinction"

Smith SelfieDr. Felisa Smith | Smith Lab

Felisa Smith is a Distinguished Professor in the department of Biology. A conservation paleoecologist, she integrates modern, historic and fossil mammal records to investigate pressing environmental issues such as climate change and biodiversity loss. Over her career she has worked on organisms from microbes to mammoth, but vastly prefers the latter. Most recently Smith has been using the terminal Pleistocene megafauna extinction as a proxy for understanding modern mammal biodiversity loss. In addition to her 3 books, she has written~120 papers/book chapters in a wide variety of scientific journals, and taught scientific blogging at UNM ( She has participated in many audio and video programs including National Public Radio, BBC World Service, BBC Earth, and BBC’s Horizon series, German public radio, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, and the History Channel as well as numerous print interviews/essays. Felisa was elected a Fellow of the Paleontological Society in 2020, was awarded the Merriam Award from the American Society of Mammalogists in 2022, and is the 68th recipient of the UM Annual Research Lecturership in 2023. She is currently the President of the American Society of Mammalogists and Past President of the International Biogeography Society.

The conservation status of large-bodied mammals is dire. Their decline has serious consequences because they have unique ecological roles not replicated by smaller-bodied animals. Here, we use the fossil record of the megafauna extinction at the terminal Pleistocene to explore the consequences of past biodiversity loss. We characterize the isotopic and body-size niche of a mammal community in Texas before and after the event to assess the influence on the ecology and ecological interactions of surviving species (>1kg). Pre-extinction, a variety of C4-grazers, C3-browsers, and mixed-feeders existed, similar to modern African savannas, with likely specialization among the two sabertooth cats for juvenile grazers. Post-extinction, body size and isotopic niche space were lost, and the δ13C and δ15N values of some survivors shifted. We see mesocarnivore release within the Felidae: the jaguar, now an apex carnivore, moved into the specialized isotopic niche previously occupied by extinct cats. Puma, previously absent, became common and lynx shifted towards consuming more C4-based resources. Lagomorphs were the only herbivores to shift towards Cresources. Body size changes from the Pleistocene to Holocene were species-specific, with some animals (deer, hare) becoming significantly larger, and others smaller (bison, rabbits) or exhibiting no change to climate shifts or biodiversity loss. Overall, the Holocene body size-isotopic niche was drastically reduced and considerable ecological complexity lost. We conclude biodiversity loss led to reorganization of survivors and many ‘missing pieces’ within our community; without intervention, the loss of Earth’s remaining ecosystems that support megafauna will likely suffer the same fate.

Texas Memorial Museum

Dr. Smith at Texas Memorial Museum


Fossils under study

Cave art

Cave art showing human hunting

THM 116

"Whence Cometh Cell Fate?" Metabolism as the New Frontier in Stem Cell Reprogramming


Dr. Chintan Kikani | Kikani Lab

The concept of cell fate, referring to the process by which a cell commits to a specific functional identity, has been central to developmental biology and regenerative medicine. Historically, our understanding of cell fate has been shaped by discoveries in nuclear reprogramming, transdifferentiation, and the creation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), all driven by pioneering transcription factors. However, recent research has highlighted metabolism as a new frontier in guiding stem cell fates, revealing the intricate connections between cellular metabolism and gene expression. In our ongoing exploration of the mechanisms controlling cell fate determination, we have further expanded upon the critical role that cellular metabolism plays in balancing stem cell self-renewal and differentiation, adding a new layer to our understanding of this complex process. In our studies, we have elucidated two mitochondria-to-nucleus signaling pathways that control muscle stem cell fate. First, we identified the mitochondrial glutamine-to-PASK signaling pathway, demonstrating that PASK (PAS domain-containing serine/threonine-protein kinase) acts as a metabolic sensor in stem cells, intricately linking glutamine availability to epigenetic regulation and, consequently, to cell fate decisions. Second, we uncovered mitochondrial glutathione (mitoGSH) as a key regulator of myogenic potency in muscle stem cells. We found that mitochondrial glutamine metabolism regulates the transcriptional program of redox regulation, establishing a "redox goldilocks zone" that maintains the delicate redox balance necessary for myogenesis. Additional studies from our lab strongly suggest that metabolism is not merely a supporting process but a central regulator of stem cell fate, intricately controlling the balance between self-renewal and differentiation. As we continue to uncover these metabolic pathways, the potential for manipulating cell fate through targeted metabolic interventions becomes increasingly promising, offering new avenues for regenerative medicine and therapeutic innovation. Looking forward, a deeper understanding of the interplay between metabolism and cell fate could revolutionize our ability to engineer stem cells for specific clinical applications, paving the way for more effective treatments for degenerative diseases and beyond.

THM 116

"Prebiotic Chemistry and the Origin of Life: the 1953 Miller experiment"

Dr. Antonio Lazcano Araujo 

Antonio Lazcano is Distinguished Professor at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, where he works on the origin and early evolution of life. He has worked in prebiotic chemistry, analyses of meteorites and, more lately, on bioinformatics and the reconstruction of early stages of celular evolution. He is author or coauthor of about 200 research papers and chapters in books. He has written several boioks for the general public, including El Origen de la Vida, La Chispa de la Vida y La Bacteria Prodigiosa. He has been Visiting Professor or Scholar in Residence at the Univeristy of Habana, Autónoma de Madrid, Houston, Valencia, Orsay Paris-Sud, University of California, San Diego, Universita di Roma La Sapienza, Institut Pasteur, ETH Zentrum in Zurich and the A. N. Bakh Institute of Biochemistry of the USSR. For ten years he was part of the NASA Astrobiology Institute Oversee Committee, and President of the Gordon Research Conference of the Origins of Life, and twice President of the International Society for the Study of the Origins of Life, being so far the only Latin American scientist to hold this position. He has received three Honoris causa, one from the Universita di Milano (Italy, 2008), one from the Universidad de Valencia (Spain, 2014), and a third one in 2015 from the  Universidad de Michoacan (Mexico). In 2013 the Third World Summit of Evolution granted him the Charles Darwin Distinguished Scientist Award, and in 2018 the College de France granted him the Guillaume Bude Medal. In October 2014 he was elected to the Colegio Nacional, the most Mexican important academic and cultural institution.

Led by Oparin’s hypothesis on a heterotrophic origin of life, in the early 1950s Stanley L. Miller began his PhD thesis under the supervision of Harold C. Urey, attempting to simulate the conditions of the primitive Earth. To do this, Miller placed a mixture of methane, ammonia, and hydrogen in a flask, to which water vapor from another flask simulating the primitive seas of the planet was added. After subjecting the mixture of gases to the action of electrical discharges, Miller found that in a very short time amino acids, urea, and other compounds of biochemical importance had been formed. The experiment was considered a demonstration of the premises of Oparin's theory, and marks the origin of the experimental study of the appearance of life. Analyses of the original samples from Miller's experiment using contemporary techniques has shown that the variety of compounds formed abiotically is much greater than originally reported, allowing a more complete picture of the processes that led to the origin of the first organisms.

Watch the seminar here!

THM 116

Two UK Professors to Participate in Summer Institute Exploring Southeast Asia

By Richard LeComte

LEXINGTON, KY – Two professors in the College of Arts and Sciences will represent the University of Kentucky at the Summer Institute on Modern Southeast Asia at the East-West Center in Hawaii from July 29 to Aug. 9.  

Liang Luo, professor of Chinese studies in the Department of Modern and Classical Languages, Literatures and Cultures, and Charlie Yi Zhang, associate professor in the Department of Gender and Women’s Studies, will participate in the institute at the University of Hawaii.  

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