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World Art Before 1400

An introduction to the visual arts of civilizations prior to the Renaissance. Students will become familiar with selected monuments from cultures in Africa, Asia, the Pacific, the Americas and Europe, and will be able to evaluate the development of artistic practices within a tradition or comparatively between traditions.

Independent Work:Art Edu

Supervised individual research, experimental practicum, and the initiation of field programs leading to the discovery and development of new knowledge in art education theory and method. A formal learning contract between student and supervising faculty member is required. May be repeated to a maximum of six credit hours.

Independent Work:Art Edu

Supervised individual research, experimental practicum, and the initiation of field programs leading to the discovery and development of new knowledge in art education theory and method. A formal learning contract between student and supervising faculty member is required. May be repeated to a maximum of six credit hours.

Pathways To Creativity In The Visual Art

Students will be challenged to think creatively, expand cognitive development, perception, self-expression, and sensory awareness through research and rich studio experiences. Aesthetic knowledge and skills will provide students with a pathway to learning in art that integrates prior knowledge with new experiences which enhance creative learning through discovery, discussion, and collaboration.

Spec Intro Crs, Soc Sci: Globalization

An introductory course of an interdisciplinary, topical, or experimental nature which may be used toward partial fulfillment of the Social Sciences requirement in the College of Arts and Sciences Each pilot or experimental course must be approved by the department chair and by the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences; a particular title may be offered no more than three times under this course number. Open to all university students, subject to controlled enrollment or prerequisites as set by the instructor. May be repeated under different subtitles up to 12 SCH.

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