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Subj Area Instruction In The Secary Sch

The purpose of STEM student teaching is to help student teachers continue to develop their knowledge, strategies, and the skills necessary in order to become successful and productive secondary teachers capable of being a leader in the profession. With the support of cooperating teachers in area schools, the course instructor, and university field supervisors, student teachers will apply the theories, methods, and techniques they have learned in the past in addition to what they will learn during their concurrent student teaching experiences.

Equity In Stem Education

This course is a seminar designed to study equity issues in the teaching and learning of STEM disciplines in P-20 education. A primary focus will be on enhancing teachers' ability to use research and reflection for learning and leading. Throughout the course the relationship between theory and practice will be emphasized in an attempt to understand some of the complexities and challenges in addressing issues of equity in mathematics learning and teaching.

Technology For Mbi In Stem Ed

This course is designed to teach effective uses of educational technologies towards engagement in modeling-based inquiry in STEM Education. Students will learn the key components of facilitating modeling-based inquiry through their own building of accurate conceptual models of explanations of key STEM theories and underlying concepts.

See Blue Math Clinic

This course focuses on clinical techniques for working with K-12 students who are struggling and/or have disabilities in learning mathematics. It is a course designed to develop both theoretical understandings and operational skills in working with students who struggle in mathematics. Classroom applications of the techniques are discussed. This course is a combination of lecture and application with a student client.

Research In Sustainable Agriculture

Independent research related to some aspect of sustainable agriculture under the direction of a research mentor. The research may be conducted in the Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, some other unit on campus, or at an approved off-campus entity. Projects can include, but are not limited to, laboratory experiments, field-based research, and studies involving sociology, economics, anthropology, or related disciplines. There is a clear expectation that quantitative data collection and analysis will be an integral part of the project.

Adv Int Russian II

A course designed to increase students' skills in the areas of listening, speaking, writing, reading and culture. More complex grammatical forms introduced; focus on control of basic grammar. Development of students' lexicon through more advanced reading, conversation, watching films, listening to tapes, etc.

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