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Experiential Learning

To provide the opportunity for students to earn credit for work-study experience. The student must work with a faculty member to describe the nature of the experience, the work to be performed, the accompanying philosophical reflection and study, appropriate course credit for the work, and criteria by which the work may be evaluated. This information must be written and filed in the Philosophy Department and the Office for Experiential Education prior to the student's registration for the course. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 credits. Pass-fail only.

Advanced Clinical Pharmacology

Pharmacology is an integral part of modern medicine. Once students have entered clinics in the application phase of medical school, it can be beneficial to integrate advanced Pharmacology into a training portfolio. The course will be entirely recorded so that students in clinical rotations have maximum flexibility for learning styles. The Advanced Clinical Pharmacology elective will return to prototype drugs from earlier courses, expand on the features of different therapeutic approaches and examine recent cutting-edge developments.

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