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Ceramics Vi

Continued advanced studio investigation of current ideas in ceramics, increased concentration on technical and aesthetic development, professional readings, and group discussions. Studio, nine hours per week. May be repeated to a maximum of nine credits.

Photography V

A-S 680 is a continuation of A-S 581. In this supervised studio course in graduate photography, emphasis will be placed on personal style, its identification, definition, and further development in the context of major directions in photography. May be repeated to a maximum of nine credits. Studio, nine hours per week.

Photography Vi

A-S 681 is a continuation of A-S 680. The emphasis will be upon continued advanced studio investigation of current ideas in photography with increased concentration on technical and aesthetic development, professional readings, and group discussion. May be repeated to a maximum of nine credits. Studio, nine hours per week.

African American Lives

This course will introduce students to the study of African American life, culture, and history as well as interdisciplinary modes of inquiry that engage the arts, history, literature, and social science. Major topics covered will be the history of race in America, the long Black freedom struggle, and African American epistemologies and methodologies.

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