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Death/Dying/Qual Of Life

A philosophical and interdisciplinary investigation of a cluster of prominent issues about the meaning of life and death, caring for dying persons, and the quality of life of the terminally ill. Among topics included are: death definitions and criteria; allowing to die vs. killing; euthanasia and suicide; life prolongation, ethics of care of the terminally ill; and rights of the dying.

Death/Dying/Qual Of Life

A philosophical and interdisciplinary investigation of a cluster of prominent issues about the meaning of life and death, caring for dying persons, and the quality of life of the terminally ill. Among topics included are: death definitions and criteria; allowing to die vs. killing; euthanasia and suicide; life prolongation, ethics of care of the terminally ill; and rights of the dying.

Metaphysics And Epistemology

An examination of fundamental issues in metaphysics and epistemology, such as causation, the nature of space and time, personal identity, free will, the existence of God, the nature and types of knowledge, the character of human existence, skepticism, and rationality. This course is a Graduation Composition and Communication Requirement (GCCR) course in certain programs, and hence is not likely to be eligible for automatic transfer credit to UK.

Intro To Feminism And Philosophy

Introduction to basic feminist thought from a philosophical perspective explored through topics such as gender roles, images of women in society, violence against women, and male socialization. Emphasis on causes of and solutions to the oppression of women. This course fulfills the UK Core Requirement: Community, Culture, and Citizenship in the USA.

Intro-Legal Philosophy

A general introduction to basic concepts, institutions, and mechanisms of law. Understanding of the legal system and its methods is promoted through discussion of topics which include: basic legal reasoning, the function of the legal process, fundamental legal concepts and categories (such as property, crime, and contract).

Environmental Ethics

An introduction to moral problems that arise in human interaction with the natural environment. Topics to be addressed include questions such as: what is man's place in nature? Do nonhuman animals or ecosystems have intrinsic moral worth, and if so, how can it be respected? What problems and ambiguities arise in attempting to live in an environmentally responsible fashion? How can we adjudicate conflicts between social and environmental values?

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