Radiation Sciences Practicum
Applied practicum experiences in the radiation sciences. Laboratory, 40 hours per week equals one credit hour.
Applied practicum experiences in the radiation sciences. Laboratory, 40 hours per week equals one credit hour.
Muscle Forum is a course that will allow students to develop critical evaluatory skills for seminars and grant writing in the field of Muscle Biology.
This distance learning course builds upon the foundation laid in RHB 730 and RHB 731 by preparing the learner to engage in his or her professional scope of practice within a telehealth environment. Content will focus on discipline-specific assessment and treatment practices across the life-span and setting. Even though the course is discipline specific, opportunities will be provided for learners to engage in interprofessional teaming over the semester. Course lectures will be supplemented with hands-on experience using telehealth.
Residency credit for preparing and taking the qualifying examination. Students may register for one semester of this course in anticipation of completing the qualifying examination during the semester. The course is not repeatable and is not required.
Residency credit for dissertation research after the qualifying examination. Students may register for this course in the semester of the qualifying examination. A minimum of two semesters are required as well as continuous enrollment (Fall and Spring) until the dissertation is completed and defended.
Presentation of selected topics in Rehabilitation and Health Sciences with emphasis on recent research and theory in the disciplines of athletic training, communication sciences & disorders, occupational therapy, physical therapy, physician assistant and health services research. Includes topics in health systems and delivery, interdisciplinary issues, research methodologies (general and discipline specific), and literature review.
Presentation of selected topics in Rehabilitation and Health Sciences with emphasis on recent research and theory in the disciplines of athletic training, communication sciences & disorders, occupational therapy, physical therapy, physician assistant and health services research. Includes topics in health systems and delivery, interdisciplinary issues, research methodologies (general and discipline specific), and literature review.
The purpose of this Professional Seminar is to expose students to teaching and learning issues in higher education in general and in the rehabilitation and health sciences specifically. This course is intended to serve as preparation for teaching internships to be completed as part of the PhD program and for careers in higher education. The focus of the course will be on didactic and clinical instruction.
The purpose of this Professional Seminar is to expose students to teaching and learning issues in higher education in general and in the rehabilitation and health sciences specifically. This course is intended to serve as preparation for teaching internships to be completed as part of the PhD program and for careers in higher education. The focus of the course will be on didactic and clinical instruction.
Study of instructional methods in higher education including development of syllabi, class presentations, and examinations. Emphasis on classroom dynamics and innovative techniques for instruction. May be repeated to a maximum of four credits.