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Creating & Evaluating New Arts Programs

Successful programs that meet the needs of current and potential audiences are the cornerstone of arts organizations. This course includes the necessary skills for designing, implementing, and evaluating a mission-based program for the arts. Students will utilize research techniques to determine the feasibility of a new program, both internally and externally to the organization. While developing an operating budget, students will include expenses from both earned and unearned revenue sources.

Arts And Equality

Arts administration, cultural leadership, and arts and cultural organizations are in a critical state of social change. Since the beginning of the 21st century, issues surrounding equality have emerged putting civil rights and social justice at the center of arts and cultural decision-making. This course offers an investigation of the interrelationship between arts and equality for arts administrators.

The Arts And The Law

How does art interact with law? How does law impact artistic creation? How can arts administrators ensure that their organization legally protects itself? Understanding the legal environment in which arts organizations exist and artists create empowers arts administrators to make sound and reasoned decisions. Throughout this course, students will be exposed to a variety of legal topics related to artistic creation and the managing of arts organizations.

Principles Of Fundraising & Philanthropy

Most nonprofit organizations earn at least half of their total annual revenue from contributed sources, including individuals, foundations, governments, and corporations. This course will provide a comprehensive survey of the fundraising process for nonprofit organizations, with an emphasis on arts & cultural organizations, and will introduce students to the philanthropic landscape writ large.

Marketing The Arts: Research & Practices

Arts managers are consistently faced with the challenge of connecting arts offerings with an audience. Understanding the possible markets and developing strategies to reach the desired audience are part of every arts organization's primary administrative activities. Throughout this course, students will explore theories and frameworks crucial to the marketing function including product development, market research, consumer behavior, brand development, pricing strategies, investigate consumer behavior and the conduct primary and secondary marketing research for an arts organization.

Organization Theories In Arts Admin

Organization theory examines the inner workings of institutions in an attempt to understand organization functionality. For this course, theories are drawn from numerous disciplines including arts management, business administration, nonprofit management, and public administration. Additionally, theories may be classical, foundational, modern, postmodern, and/or critical. Specifically, this course explores various organizational theories that are relevant to running and studying nonprofit arts organizations.

Financial Mgmt For Arts Organizations

Financial management is a central function of successful arts management. It is the foundation in which human, physical, and financial resources are maintained and monitored. In the nonprofit sector, the relationship of "mission to money" is a key conceptual framework that must be understood by arts managers and will be emphasized in this course. In addition, arts managers are the source of financial information to both internal and external stakeholders, and successful financial analysis is essential for sound strategic planning and governance.

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