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Social Responsibility And Sustainability

This course weighs the balance between ethical choices and donor relationships and offers context for decision-making for arts administrators. Sectioned into four parts-transformation, social responsibility, donor and organizational identity, and visions for the future-students assess the rise and ramifications of the creative class, how and if arts organizations have a responsibility to respond to social justice issues, and asks students to make proposals that could further the role of the arts as good stewards of society, not just culture.

Fundraising Techniques

This course will explore how the development theories examined in AAD 640 Principles of Fundraising are organized into actionable fundraising techniques and products. Students will continue working with their chosen organization from AAD 640 to create the many projects conceived in the strategic development plan. Emphasis will be placed on fundraising device creation, goal setting, case development, the donor- centric communication style, prospect identification, pre-campaign testing, campaign execution, practicing the major gift ask, and donor stewardship devices.

Sustaining Leadership In The Arts

This course offers a theoretical and practical understanding of leadership for arts and cultural organizations. Students will be exposed to various leadership theories, models, and issues from many different fields, such as arts management, business administration, nonprofit management, and public administration with a specific attention given to running arts and cultural organizations. Sustaining Leadership in the Arts also explores emerging, critical, and contemporary leadership issues including diversity, equity, and inclusion in arts and cultural leadership.

Internship In Arts Administration

Students without substantial work experience in the field of Arts Administration are required to complete three credit hours of internships in order to graduate, and must work at least 50 hours for each credit hour earned. While students are ultimately responsible for finding and completing their internships, students do receive ample support and assistance from Program faculty throughout the process. The activities to be carried out during internships must be mutually agreed upon by the student, their faculty supervisor, and the host organization supervisor.

Creating & Evaluating New Arts Programs

Successful programs that meet the needs of current and potential audiences are the cornerstone of arts organizations. This course includes the necessary skills for designing, implementing, and evaluating a mission-based program for the arts. Students will utilize research techniques to determine the feasibility of a new program, both internally and externally to the organization. While developing an operating budget, students will include expenses from both earned and unearned revenue sources.

Arts And Equality

Arts administration, cultural leadership, and arts and cultural organizations are in a critical state of social change. Since the beginning of the 21st century, issues surrounding equality have emerged putting civil rights and social justice at the center of arts and cultural decision-making. This course offers an investigation of the interrelationship between arts and equality for arts administrators.

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