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Marketing For The Arts

Connecting and communicating with current and prospective arts audiences is essential for ensuring a strong future for the arts. AAD 310 Marketing for the Arts offers an overview of marketing, advertising, and promotion for visual and performing arts institutions. Students will learn practical strategies and solutions for building audiences for the arts through market research, marketing principles, and communication techniques. Topics include audience development, market segmentation, positioning strategies, marketing plans, media coverage, and promotion techniques.

Ei For Aad: Collaboration And Teamwork

This course is designed to expand the competencies of students in order to work successfully in teams and build true collaborations. Through structured and unstructured team building, students will analyze and evaluate their own experiences in both leading and participating in teams. Special consideration will be placed on the how teams function within arts organizations.

Ei For Aad: Empathy

Emotional intelligence (EI) is arguably the most important key to success in one's career and personal life. In this course, students will explore the research and theories of EI, the various dimensions of EI, and EIs applications in the arts as related to empathy. Students will specifically focus on empathy, including the ways in which empathy is developed, managing one's own sense of empathy, and the impact of the empathy deficit. The course also asks students to connect empathy to the applied practice of arts administration.

Organizing The Arts

Why are arts organizations so often structured as nonprofit organizations? What is a nonprofit or not-for-profit organization, and why are they critical to a healthy and thriving society? AAD 180 will guide students to differentiate between various organizational structures, including for-profit, not-for-profit, and government entities, as well as to explore the functions of relationships between arts nonprofits and the communities they exist to serve.

Arts In Action

Arts in Action explores the everyday application of art around us. Students will consider how art communicates messages about community and culture, social issues, and societal change. Focusing on art outside the traditional exhibition and performance space setting, students consider how art helps society navigate personal and community concerns. Attention to the arts administrators who pursue these endeavors is also explored.

M.f.a. Studio Thesis Project

Independent research and preparation for the M.F.A. thesis exhibition. For the student working in a highly technical medium or process, the preparation of a correlated written thesis under close guidance will be the outcome. The student will be expected to know the standard forms for photographic records and the preparation of a professional portfolio.

M.f.a. Studio Thesis Project

Independent research and preparation for the M.F.A. thesis exhibition. For the student working in a highly technical medium or process, the preparation of a correlated written thesis under close guidance will be the outcome. The student will be expected to know the standard forms for photographic records and the preparation of a professional portfolio.

M.f.a. Studio Thesis Project

Independent research and preparation for the M.F.A. thesis exhibition. For the student working in a highly technical medium or process, the preparation of a correlated written thesis under close guidance will be the outcome. The student will be expected to know the standard forms for photographic records and the preparation of a professional portfolio.

M.f.a. Studio Thesis Project

Independent research and preparation for the M.F.A. thesis exhibition. For the student working in a highly technical medium or process, the preparation of a correlated written thesis under close guidance will be the outcome. The student will be expected to know the standard forms for photographic records and the preparation of a professional portfolio.

M.f.a. Studio Thesis Project

Independent research and preparation for the M.F.A. thesis exhibition. For the student working in a highly technical medium or process, the preparation of a correlated written thesis under close guidance will be the outcome. The student will be expected to know the standard forms for photographic records and the preparation of a professional portfolio.

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