Adv Livestock Selection And Evaluation
Selection of purebred and commercial beef cattle, sheep, swine and meat goats. Special emphasis on oral reasons, livestock contest procedures and herd improvement principles.
Selection of purebred and commercial beef cattle, sheep, swine and meat goats. Special emphasis on oral reasons, livestock contest procedures and herd improvement principles.
Selection and evaluation principles of purebred dairy cattle for type characteristics, scorecard appraisal, breed comparisons and genetic programs to give students the foundation needed for dairy cattle evaluation contests or to teach basic dairy cattle evaluation. Some emphasis on oral reasons and note taking. Evaluation of live animals, pictures and videos.
An introduction to the functional anatomy and physiology of major body systems in domestic animals. Emphasis will be on how these systems interact to regulate circulation, gas exchange, acid-base balance, digestion and metabolism, locomotion and adapting to environmental changes.
Enhancement of the student mentoring experience by blending the educational and animal sciences. Specifically, students will explore and implement diverse teaching methods as student mentors associated with the ASC 101 Domestic Animal Biology course.
Intensive study in a unique aspect of animal agriculture not covered in other courses currently offered. May be repeated under a different subtitle two times to a maximum of 8 credits.
A study of the application of avian biology to modern poultry production. Topics include anatomy, physiology, reproduction, incubation and embryonic development, breeding and genetics, nutrition and feeding, disease control, housing and environmental control, management, poultry and egg products, and the structure of the poultry industry.
Fundamental principles of genetics and statistics as applied in selection and mating systems to make genetic improvements in farm animals. Involves traditional discussion of Mendelian, population, and quantitative genetics and their application. Extends to include DNA testing for single gene traits and parentage, the development and use of large-scale genetic evaluations, and application of genomic testing as a means of increasing accuracy in prediction of genetic merit.
Fundamental principles of genetics and statistics as applied in selection and mating systems to make genetic improvements in farm animals. Involves traditional discussion of Mendelian, population, and quantitative genetics and their application. Extends to include DNA testing for single gene traits and parentage, the development and use of large-scale genetic evaluations, and application of genomic testing as a means of increasing accuracy in prediction of genetic merit.
Introduction to anatomy and physiological processes related to reproduction with a focus on farm animals. Evaluations of management procedures as they relate to reproductive physiology.
Introduction to anatomy and physiological processes related to reproduction with a focus on farm animals. Evaluations of management procedures as they relate to reproductive physiology.