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Dissertation Residency Credit

Residency credit for dissertation research after the qualifying examination. Students may register for this course in the semester of the qualifying examination. A minimum of two semesters are required as well as continuous enrollment (Fall and Spring) until the dissertation is completed and defended.

Dissertation Residency Credit

Residency credit for dissertation research after the qualifying examination. Students may register for this course in the semester of the qualifying examination. A minimum of two semesters are required as well as continuous enrollment (Fall and Spring) until the dissertation is completed and defended.

Top Sem In Clinical Psy: Adv Neuropsych

A selected topics course designed to cover content areas which are not being met by the current faculty; may be taught by persons with special qualifications from the community or by existing faculty exploring new areas. The topics, which may be offered as the need arises, may include on a semester basis mental retardation, intensive psychoanalytic theory, psychopharmacology, etc. May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.

Internship In Clin Psy

Full time practice in an APA-accredited internship setting, with on-site supervision provided by the intership setting and with academic supervision provided by the Director of Clinical Training at the University of Kentucky. May be repeated twice.

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