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Student Teaching In Iec

Course designed to give students experience with supervised teaching at the preprimary level. Emphasis will be placed on observation and teaching individual, small and large group methods). One afternoon per week will be devoted to a discussion and analysis of problems in student teaching. Discussion, two hours; laboratory 22 hours per week. TO BE OFFERED PASS-FAIL ONLY.

Practicum In Iece

This course is the field-based component of the Early Childhood block (IEC 507, 508 and 509). This course provides an opportunity for students to demonstrate application of readings and content from the Early Childhood block courses.

Children & Families

The purpose of this course is to provide students with information related to working with young children with and without disabilities and their families. This course will focus both on presenting new information and providing opportunities for students to practice skills necessary for working with families.

Iec Admin Practicum

Field training in a community setting related to early childhood administration and supervision. Opportunities for developing competencies in program evaluation, personnel training and supervision, appropriate curriculum materials, parent involvement and education, program management and funding will be provided.

Transdisciplinary Svcs For Young Childrn

This course will focus on the philosophical issues related to teaching young children with disabilities. Topics related to planning for the population of children, participants, in the areas of communication, physical and motor development, health, vitality and sensory input will be presented. Strategies presented for planning with include transdisciplinary assessment, persons-centered planning, and activity- based instruction.

Transdisciplinary Svcs For Young Childrn

This course will focus on the philosophical issues related to teaching young children with disabilities. Topics related to planning for the population of children, participants, in the areas of communication, physical and motor development, health, vitality and sensory input will be presented. Strategies presented for planning with include transdisciplinary assessment, persons-centered planning, and activity- based instruction.

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