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Crossings | Travesias: Hispanic Artists in America


Dr. Francie Chassen-Lopez (chair, Department of History, University of Kentucky), will moderate a discussion with panelists Dr. Ana Liberato (Assistant professor of Sociology, University of Kentucky), Dr. Cristina Alcalde (Assistant Professor of Gender and Women's Studies), and Andres Cruz (editor of La Voz de Kentucky) on topics of globalization, immigration, and migration. 

Dra. Fracncie Chassen Lopez (Jefe del Departament de Historia, Universidad de Kentucky), moderará la discussion entre los expositores Dra. Ana Liberato (Profesor asistente de Sociología, Universidad de Kentucky), Dra. Cristina Alcalde (Profesor asistente de Estudios de Género y Estudios de la Mujer), y Andrés Cruz (Editor de la voz de Kentucky) en temas de globalización, imigración y migración.



Loudon House, 309 Castlewood Dr, Lexington KY

Topics In American Cult

A team-taught seminar on a selected topic in American Culture, emphasizing approaches to interdisciplinary study in this field?and the ways that different disciplines, when integrated, better complement an understanding of the topic. Possible topics include:?slavery, racism, women?s rights, Native Americans, the West, the South, the city and industrialization. May be repeated to a maximum of?six credits.

Stds In Eng For Tchs

Specialized studies designed to increase the teacher?s knowledge of subject matter and to enlarge his understanding of new developments and approaches to the teaching of English. May be repeated to a maximum of six credits. PROSEMINARS: ?The purpose of the proseminar courses (600 level) is to impart through lectures and discussion both the facts of literary history and the techniques of literary analysis. They are, therefore, designed to go beyond the mere information level?to techniques of contemporary literary criticism and scholarship.

Education Abroad

Required for students who study abroad in a French-speaking country. Students must prepare an Education Abroad Portfolio to receive credit for course work completed abroad. See Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) for detailed information. May be repeated?to a maximum of eight hours in consultation with DUS. Prereq: Approval of DUS.

Semantics And Pragmatics

This course focuses on how meaning is conveyed by the world?s languages, introducing the primary approaches to the study of semantics and pragmatics of the 20th century. We discuss the semantics of words and then shift our study to investigate the way meaning is conveyed in larger units such as sentences and then conversations. The influence of context - social, physical, and linguistic?- is also examined as it relates to meaning.

Historical Linguistics

Students in this course will study a variety of topics related to the topic of language change: the reconstruction of linguistic systems; language classification; comparative linguistics; the temporal, spatial, and social context of language change. Prereq: ENG/LIN?211, or ENG 414G, or equivalent. (Same as ANT 319.)

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