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Gravity & Magnetic Methods

Theory and practice of the gravity and magnetic methods of geophysical exploration as applied to geological, archeological, environmental, and planetary exploration problems. The course includes principles of instrumentation, surveying, reduction of anomalies, and their interpretation. Prereq: MA 113, MA 114; PHY 211 and PHY 213 or PHY 231 and PHY 232; or consent of instructor.

Sem Petrolgy Geochem

Seminar in Selected Topics in Petrology and Geochemistry. Past topics include: Carbonate Petrology; Igneous Petrology; Organic Petrology; Isotope Geochemistry. May be repeated to a maximum of nine credits under different subtitles. Prereq: Consent of instructor.

Field Studies

Field-based regionally specific study of selected topics in cultural economic environmental physical political social or urban geography. May be repeated to a maximum of 18 credits with change in field site.

Blue Planet

Survey of oceanography including the geologic evolution of the ocean floor; composition and dynamics of ocean water; interaction of lithosphere with hydrosphere; ocean-atmosphere interaction and oceanic controls on climate dynamics; marine life and ecosystems; impact of human activity on marine ecosystems.

Fundamentals Geology II

Laboratory and field methods for identification and description of rocks and minerals with emphasis on igneous and metamorphic?rocks and rock-forming minerals. Field study of geologic structures. Interpretation of geologic maps. Laboratory, four hours per week. Four days in the field. Prereq: GLY 220 and 230.


The study of mineral structure and composition, and mineral classification through crystallographic and crystal chemical techniques. Laboratory work includes study of minerals via crystallography, X-ray diffraction, mineral chemical analysis, and optical petrographic techniques. Lecture, three hours per week; laboratory, three hours per week. Prereq: CHE 105 and GLY 220. ?Prereq or concur: GLY 230 or GLY 235.

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